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9:15 a.m

"Y/N get up"

"How's you get in my house" you ask, sleep quickly fading away "more importantly, how'd you get in my bed" Yuzuha was a shoplifting master but you didn't know she knew how to break into houses too. She's a clever girl, so maybe it shouldn't have surprised you but being looked over in your sleep isn't exactly normal.

"I—don't look at me like that" she draws back, reading the look on your face "I'm not even in your bed"

"Then why are y—oh"

"What do you mean oh?" Usually intruders are supposed to be the scary ones but right now Yuzuha was backing away from you like you were the one who broke in

"You tryna get freaky?" You smirk, effectively scaring her to the other side of the room  "hey I mean you coulda just asked" you chuckle at the sight of her horror "wait where are you going??"

"Forget I even came here" she's given up so easily, marching towards the door

"No don't go yet!" You call after her "How long did I sleep?"

"I dunno" she, very hesitantly, decides to stay "but you're gonna be late if you don't get up"

"What would I do without you?"

"Probably starve—your fridge is practically empty"

"You went through my fridge?"

Her cheeks redden "I—"

"You've gotten awfully comfy huh?" You grin, embracing the mortified look on her face. As an aunt, you were thoroughly skilled in the arts of embarrassment.

"What happened to all your food?" She evades every suggestive look you send her, continuing on with her own questions

"Mikey happened" you stretch, rolling yourself from the tangled of your blankets. It was a pain leaving the warmth of your bed but if you didn't do it now you'd probably sleep the rest of the day "That bitch owes me food stamps"

"Hm" she hardly responds, escaping the conversation in her phone "the mall opens at noon"

"Are you inviting me?"

"How long is your shift today"

"However long you want it to be" at that, she turns away from you  "oh c'mon you've gotta get used to me flirting, it's in my blood at this point"

"We need to get your feral ass a man asap" she shakes her head, fleeing as quickly as she can

"Good luck finding a man that tolerates all this!" You call after her

It didn't take you too long to get ready, minus nearly getting your head knocked off in the shower you managed to get dressed without any injury.

"Why is that piercing crooked?" you didn't even see her come in, a stolen juice box in her grasp. So she managed to find herself something in your fridge after all?

"Cause someone trusted Keisuke with a piercing gun" ring your rag out, snapping the strap of your shirt back onto your shoulder. Feeling against the slightly out of place piercing just on the tip of your ear, a memory returns.




𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.𝐎𝐑𝐆 ─ 𝐊𝐄𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐁.Where stories live. Discover now