2 ➖。[gremlins]

199 7 1

[unedited...pls I hate english]

4:20 a.m.

People spread your praises here and there.

"Y/N's so talented!"

"Y/N—the employee of the month!"

"Y/N's rich, she'll cover the bill"

You had a paying job, your own place, watched over your sisters kids from time to time, you had everything covered.

you had your shit together when it came to your financial situation, getting everything In order after high school ended was a priority you weren't gonna push to the side for aimless puppy love.

And you did it. You wanted something, you got it, and that was all.

So why were they still wanting more from you?

"Hey there favorite daughter" he definitely wanted something from you—of course that's why he's calling you.

"Yes, dad?" You groan, checking your nails just encase one decided to snap off during your drunken activities with Chifuyu. It's not that talking to the man was a burden or anything, you just weren't the most enthusiastic about chatting so early in the morning.

"Your mom was just wondering—"

"No sir, the answer is still no" there's a glass of wine, half drunken and calling your name but instead of doing something stupid you pour it right on out. It being in one of your nicer glasses—though every glass you owned was nice—only made it harder to throw it all down the drain.

You give yourself a pat on the back for that one.

"Y'know I don't really care what you do with your love affairs" your dad sighs

Then why was he asking about it?

"You've made it pretty clear" it honestly seems like these days thats the only thing keeping you and your family connected. If they weren't asking you to watch your nephews or about when you were getting with someone then they didn't call at all.

"It's just that she wanted to know" it's an irritating thing, not cause you didn't want a partner right now but because you knew what they wanted for you. A guy with big bank, out of trouble and just...generic. Nothing wrong with that but you didn't like someone getting hand picked for you.

And with the selection of guys these days..you weren't even sure you wanted anyone.

"Yeah I get it" you rub your eyes, too busy with clearing your kitchen counter of expensive bottles to focus on something so...irrelevant.

"You haven't been drinking have you?" How the hell does he know? And why the hell is Chifuyu in your bath tub? That fucking lightweight must've passed out in there on some drunken mission.

You have your phone groggily pressed on your face when you decide to ignore the snoozing boy in your bathtub

"I don't know dad..It's 4 in the morning" you put an end to the softly whirring record player in the living room, gently bringing up the needle. You pinch your phone between your shoulder and your face, enduring the endless conversation about irresponsible drinking with your dad as you slip the tired record back in it's respective casing.

The deep brown tones of your home bleed together as your vision blurs through drowsy blinks. His lectures tend to flow into topic after topic to where he'll be talking about one thing then end the conversation on something completely unrelated.

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