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8:10 a.m.

"Aye, get up" you opted for throwing water one them, not cause that was your first choice or anything but because they were sleeping so heavy you were honestly contemplating checking their pulses. "Don't be dead, I'm gonna miss several appointments today if your dead"

"Where am I" it takes a few seconds but the two are torn from their oddly deep sleeps, confusedly rubbing their eyes and groaning about the water.

"Las Vegas, the slot machines down the Hall" you point, already ready to leave. You let them sleep in a good hour so they've had plenty of time to get their rest but now it was time for them to get up and more importantly get out.

"Why is it so cold..?" Kota notcies it first, slowly looking down then jumping out of the "is that a water gun?!" He hollers, wide awake now that he sees the giant think propped up on your shoulder.

"Mhm—get yo asses up we got school"


"Parent teacher conference" you got the text late late last night, from your sister frantic and stressed about how she was gonna make it to the conference. Being the best fucking person in the world you took on the job. Anmild mistake but you couldn't go back on it now, there were kids depending on you

"Aren't parents supposed to go to thoes" Miyo narrows his eyes at you looking like a demented wet sock as he drags himself to the bathroom to get all that water away from him

"Well I'm a parent today, get your shit together, there's extra toothbrushes under the sink and please don't let Kota eat the toothpaste again"

You sit yourself down watching the kids disappeared around the corner towards the bathroom, pressing answer when an poorly timed call from your sister comes in. You were supposed to show up to that stupid conference a good fifteen minutes ago and the boys were just now waking up so you'd just have to pray she wasn't gonna ask about that.

You hold the phone between your shoulder and your face, breaking out the nail file to keep you busy through what you can only assume will be a boring conversation "How's my favorite sister doing!"

"I'm you're only sister Y/N"

"Still don't mean you can't be my favorite hun"

"I just—I'm so sorry Y/N..I'll pay you extra for this one" Ah so the guilt was starting to get to her. You weren't too sure how to answer at first. You get that she was trying her best but it really wasn't you she needed to apologize to.

"Haruka, they're my nephews, I don't need your money" you roll your eyes "just be on time to pick them up next time" Kota had stayed up just about all night waiting for his mom only for her not to show up. Sure the kids were a pain in the ass at times but watching them wasn't a problem.

"Are they okay?" She finally asks a timid question, an uneasy tone making it pretty clear that she was aware of how fragile her relationship with them was right now.

"They're fine Haru" you assure her, drawing your hand back to inspect your hand "you remember how we were when we were kids? We were brats weren't we?" You remind her

"Yeah.." she chuckles

"Well tell your brats you love them"

"I do tell them I love them" well clearly not enough cause thoes boys look like they're withering

"I'm not talking about every year Haru, I'm saying everyday—now I'm gonna give the phone to Miyo and you're gonna tell him how much you love him, Okay?"

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.𝐎𝐑𝐆 ─ 𝐊𝐄𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐁.Where stories live. Discover now