3 ➖。[luck]

159 4 2



7:30 a.m.

Tomorrow was not better.

In fact it was horrible.

"I don't think I've ever seen a car like that" his braid sways as he looks at the sleek exterior of your car, whipping his hands on a dinghy cloth

"Chill, it's a bmw" Inupi rifles through his toolbox

"That's not a bmw" Draken shoots a questioning look his way, shaking the cloth in the direction of the car before throwing it down.

"How'd he get this job again?" You point, now a little worried for the car you were now entrusting them with

"He's uh..he's an intern" Draken rubs the back of his neck

"It's a joke." Inui turns around baring a glare in both directions. You couldn't really tell when he was joking and when he wasn't, it wasn't your fault.

"Don't you got another car to drive?" Draken asks you, it was the most logical assumption after all. You weren't the most private person when it came to your money but you didn't just go around blowing it on pretty cars.

But now you were regretting that decision.

"Unfortunately" you grimace " I don't"

"How are you gonna get to work then?" He asks "you gonna jump in your private jet?"


They both look at you, then back at each other

'Y/N got a plane?' Draken doesn't have to speak for you to know that look

'Shit, don't ask me' and through a shrug Inupi answers

It seems like working at this old place has given them a chance to develop their own silent language, stuck together for just about the entire day. It might've even dumbed em down a bit cause how did they not see through the sarcasm?

"Nah, i think imma take the train" you finally say

"The train?" You receive a pair of scrutinizing expressions. It's a warranted reaction.

"Yeah I know" you groan. The train isn't your first choice either but bothering Chifuyu after his shift has already started was out of the question

"You can't just get Mikey to drop you?" Draken narrows his eyes at you

"Mikey?" That wasn't the first thing that came to mind. Clearly Draken didn't know how you two were when you were paired together "is he even free?" Usually the answer to that wasn't a yes. He kinda just did what he wanted and it didn't include driving you around places as a personal driver.

"He's free like..always? Just call him" Draken suggests "and if he says no, y'know Emma will gladly pick you up"

"You know her so well" you say, pulling out your phone

"Yup" he doesn't catch onto what you're insinuating, returning to a much needed lunch break.

It takes a good amount of rings for Mikey to actually answer and even when he did there wasn't a hello or anything, just a clang then silence.

"Heeeey Mikey" you make it clear you're about to ask for something with a greeting that enthusiastic.

"I'm busy"

"Well damn"

"I'm throwing pebbles at kazutora's cell" you didn't even ask what he was doing but he apparently wanted it to be public knowledge.

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