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"Hey it's the pretty lady that gave us candy at the pet shop!" Kota recognizes the one next to Mikey first, pointing and being loud like the entire McDonalds needed to hear him

"Good one Kota" Miyo chuckles

"Huh?" It seems like Kota was convinced at Baji was in fact a 'pretty lady'

"You know him?" Yuuto asks the boy, grabbing hold of his hand like he might get swept away if the newcomers got close enough.

"He works at the pet store" Kota nods like crazy, his dark hair flying as he does

"Stop talking about him like you know him" you roll your eyes "you met once"

"But you know him right Auntie Y/N" he looks up at you. Why do they always put you on blast at the worst times?

"Do you?" Yuuto looks over at you, genuinely anticipating an answer

"I know all of them" you shudder

The first to spot you is the Blondie, his jacket hanging off his shoulders as he veers towards you, straight off his path "Hey Y/N, can hold this?" Is the first thing he says because that's definitely how you're supposed to start a sentence

"Is it a bomb?" With a sigh you ask the only pressing question, just to make sure he doesn't make you the victim to one of his problems

"It's a—who's that" Just when he's getting to the important part of the answer he's distracted by the glaring man beside you. He didn't seem to thrilled to see the new arrivals, his eyes trailing skeptically over each of them as they entered

"My co-worker" you say plainly "he can introduce himself though" you bump him with your hip

"Hi" he forces a smile "i'm Yuuto"

"You sorta look familiar" Mikey tips his head, narrowing his eyes a bit "nah" he shakes his head "this is a present I bought for grandpa, Emma broke the window at the dojo and I'm being a good grandson and saying sorry for her" his blonde hair was all disheveled, tucked behind his ears

"Him and Draken were getting ambushed and some dude threw a rock and it broke the window" Chifuyu interrupts with the real story, hello kitty bandaids still piled on his face.

"Ah" you blink "you guys still got enemies that bold?"

"Unfortunately" Draken drops a big hand on Mikey's head, directing it towards the special on the menu

"Sounds dangerous" Yuuto puts his hand in his pocket, standing up a bit taller at the sight of Chifuyu

"Kinda is" Chifuyu gives you a look

"Uncle Chifuyu!" Kota leaps at his legs, chirping on about god knows what. He was plenty talkative when Chifuyu came around and everybody knew it

"Hey there, tiny" he pats his head

"Can we hang with Fuyu auntie?"

"Don't get them into any trouble Fuyu" you can trust Chifuyu all day, but you still needed the boys to be in your line of sight "stay where I can see"

"They're practically my nephews too Y/N" he blows out a breath "they'll be alright" They sit off to the side, both of the boys blabbing away gleefully

Then there's Baji, a scheme brewing behind his eyes before he even decided to approach. His hair was tied up, a few strands of hair falling before his face "Yo, Y/N" he daps you up, a red popsicle held loosely in his free hand

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