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"are you sure about this?"

"why wouldn't i be sure about it?"

alhaitham shrugged, looking at dehya who was grinning at her phone, "it could be one of these pranks that go too far."

"what about this could go far?" cyno scoffed, rolling his scarlet eyes, then he glared at the other man. the two glared at each other for a few seconds, until dehya awkwardly coughed and laughed at them.

her eyes went back to her phone, "it's just a harmless prank! besides, don't you think he'd look cute with (y/n)?" she exclaimed, showing the two others a picture of a guy with hair color that resembled that of red wine. "even if they don't start talking like i planned, the whole prank thing could be kinda funny."

cyno's eyebrows were knit together. "who's this again?"

"some guy who goes viral for doing loyalty tests," dehya responded as she started typing something on her phone. a few seconds later, she grinned and looked at her two friends, "there! i sent him a message." she exclaimed as she showed them her phone.

@dehyaxo: hi heizou! how much would you accept to do a loyalty test on my partner?

alhaitham still didn't seem convinced that that was a good idea, meanwhile cyno was all for it.

"oh!" the girl gasped, the grin never leaving her face, "he's typing!"


with a sigh, you slammed your forehead against your desk, not caring if it broke your skull. a few seconds later, you straightened your back, staring at the half-finished, half-assed assignment you were doing. with irritated eyes and a headache, you felt like dying.

you were too tired, but you only had yourself to blame for ignoring your assignments and starting them just a few hours before their due date.

but you had enough, so you decided to take a quick break. maybe make yourself a mug of hot chocolate or something. you didn't want to drink coffee because you'd rather not stay up until sunrise.

the second you got up, you heard your phone vibrate, so you sat back down to check the notification. you assumed it was one of your friends or something, but you were surprised that it was someone you don't know.

@_hheizou wants to send you a message

you decided to check his account, and you were confused why someone like him would want to message you. a simple "heyyy" message from him but still, you didn't expect that from someone who had over 20k followers and was as cute as him.

thinking for a few seconds, you decided to just accept his request. because why not.




do i know you?

heizou ツ

nope but i came across ur profile

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