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when you opened your eyes, you were met with a red wine-colored blur. you took a few seconds to regain your vision, and when you did, your gaze softened.

heizou was curled up next to you, his hair tickling your face and his cheek touching your forehead. something you definitely never expected to wake up to, but you weren't complaining.

so that wasn't a fever dream i had. you thought as a soft cough escaped your sore throat, followed by a quiet groan. slowly, you sat up and carefully moved heizou's arm that was around your waist, watching as he stirred in his sleep for a second, then he stayed still once again.

he felt so warm.

a small smile made its way on your face as you watched him for a second. he was sleeping soundly, soft and deep breaths leaving his slightly opened lips. he reminded you of a sleeping cat.

you wished he brought his cat with him.

grabbing your phone from your bedside table, you checked the time. it was still quite early, nine in the morning. a sigh left your lips once you realized you have work in two hours, but you'll try to get a day off from tighnari. surely he'll say it's fine, considering the fact that you're sick.

your eyes were back on heizou as you laid down next to him again, placing his arm around your stomach just like he was doing before you woke up- something about that was comforting to you.

"this isn't normal." you muttered to yourself as you stared at his arm, your face heating up as you realized what was happening. not even a few days passed after you met heizou, and you two cuddled on your first day together.

not only that, but you spend a whole night in the same bed together. and you'll continue doing so until he either leaves or dehya comes home.

you don't remember having so many "sleepovers" with xiao.

you weren't complaining at all- but you knew it might cause some complications in your friendship.

unlocking your phone, you opened your friend group's chat, eyebrows furrowing once you noticed, that for some reason, kaveh was in the group chat. you had a feeling it was either dehya or cyno who added him, because alhaitham would never do that.

with a small smile on your face, you snapped a photo of yourself- just showing one half of your face, because you don't want to jumpscare them with a phone of yourself right after you wake up- and making sure that some of heizou's burgundy hair strands were showing in the photo.




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