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"uno!" you exclaimed as you placed your last card down, a grin formed on your face as you looked at heizou- well, at your screen which showed heizou- who stared at you defeated.

he groaned, puffing out his cheeks. "how did i lose? you definitely cheated." he sighed, and you watched as his cat walked in front of his phone, which he had resting against something on the table he was sat at.

the grin never left your face as you grabbed your phone and showed him the cards you previously had, "just because we're playing uno through video call doesn't mean i cheated. admit you're a sore loser!" you exclaimed as you brought your phone back to show your face, the grin never leaving you.

heizou claimed that he was a "master of card games, especially uno" a few hours ago, so you challenged him to a game over video chat.

it was kinda weird, as you weren't playing with him in person, but you managed to do it and somehow, you defeated the so-called master of card games.

"take the cards out of your ass, (y/n)-"

you snorted, grinning, "just admit you lost, heizou. losing every once in a while is normal-"

"or do i have to do that myself?"

you stared at him with raised eyebrows, the grin never leaving your face, "bro what-"

before you could say something else to boast about your win, your door was suddenly slammed opened and you jumped in surprise. looking at the direction of the door, you saw dehya with a mug of coffee in her hand.

"who are you talking to?" she questioned as she started walking towards you. you looked at your phone for a second, catching a smile on heizou's face, then you looked back at dehya with furrowed eyebrows. "wh- is that an uno deck? are you playing with your demons, (y/n)?" you heard a stifled laugh from your phone.

you glared at your roommate and rolled your eyes, "get out, dehya."

her eyes sparkled once she caught a glimpse of burgundy hair on your phone, a grin forming on her face, "woah! are you staring at photos of heizou? (y/n) you-"

"no i'm not!" you exclaimed with a red, embarrassed face, moving the camera away from your face.

you could hear heizou laugh at you and dehya.

"let me see!" she grinned as she placed the mug on your desk, rushing to your side and snatching the phone from your hands. you stared at her with wide eyes, frowning as you watched her gasp when she saw heizou's face. "ohhh...! you're on video call?!"

"hi dehya!"

dehya grinned, waving at your phone, "hi heizou! what were you two doing on video call? since i heard you mention something about having to take something out of (y/n)'s-"

you groaned and kicked dehya's leg, making her yelp and stumble. you really couldn't help it, you wanted to stop her from saying anything that might embarrass you, even if it meant you had to knock her unconscious. so when she had her guard down, you took your phone, quickly hung up on heizou, and glared at your roommate.

she rolled her blue eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, "you're no fun!" she exclaimed as she held her coffee cup in her hand, using her other hand to flip you off.

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now