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you just walked out of the airport gates, and the first thing you saw was a blur of brown and red, then something — or someone — literally crashing into you and making you fall. and they fell on top of you.

"tao! don't do that!" a familiar, feminine voice exclaimed, following by a huff from the person on top of you. it sounded like your mom.

with a groan, you rubbed your head that slammed into the ground, your eyes closed, then you pushed the person off of you. when you opened your e/c eyes, you were met by hu tao who was on the ground next to you, and xingqiu and your mother standing, with disapproving looks on their faces.

"uh," you awkwardly coughed as you got off the ground. why was this so awkward? "hi."

once you stood up, your mother's eyes lit up as she approached you, then pulled you into a tight hug. okay, this was less awkward. with a little smile on your face, you hugged her back, and you saw xingqiu grin at you.

"y/n!" your mom exclaimed, then hu tao joined in the hug. "it's been so long!"

you felt a pat on your shoulder, "welcome back, my liege."

you grinned, and then pulled away from your mother and hu tao's tight grips. "thank you guys. i'm glad to be back." well, hu tao kept her grip around your arm.

it's honestly good to see them, you haven't seen them in so, so long. you didn't go to liyue last year so... it's been more than a year. chongyun and xiangling weren't present, so you wondered what they could be up to. maybe xiangling's working at her family restaurant, and chongyun... doing chongyun things, you guessed.

"where are yunyun and xiangling?" you asked as the three of you walked together, with xingqiu offering to carry one of your two suitcases.

you were staying for around two months, so you weren't sure if you packed too much or too little... you had two whole suitcases with you. maybe you overpacked. it's kinda a habit of yours to take too much of everything when you're traveling.

"xiangling's working at the restaurant, and chongus is doing some stuff with his aunt shenhe." hu tao explained with a huge grin on her face.


"they'll meet us later, though." xingqiu continued, looking at you with a smile. he had a sparkle to his eyes, like he was happy to see you.

then hu tao had to open her big mouth, "and xiao-"

your mom glared at hu tao with sharp e/c eyes for a second, then cleared her throat and put on a small, forced smile. "y/n, how was your flight?" she spoke, and hu tao let out a nervous giggle in response.

you just shook your head and let out a sigh at how dumb she could be.

honestly, the mention of xiao didn't do much to you anymore... you kinda don't care. but your mom knew it hurt you a lot back then, so she kinda can't stand the little man... especially since she treated him like her son. you, on the other hand— well, you mostly have heizou on your mind so xiao never crosses yours.

"it was fine, i guess. but i had a weird girl sit next to me." you shrugged, "she was trying to convince that she's some princess with a pet raven or something... i fell asleep halfway through her story." you said, remembering what she looked like. "she didn't look like she's from sumeru."

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now