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you stared into pretty amber eyes, drowning the voices of anyone else around. that feeling of uneasiness never left you, but you tried your best to not let it consume you.

"how have the last few days been? in liyue?" xiao asked as he leaned against the kitchen island of your house, and you stood in front of him with your arms crossed.

for context— your mother suggested that you bring all of your friends to hang out at your family house, to have a chance to reconnect after so long. she never mentioned xiao, or even told you to invite him, so you assumed one of your dumb friends (probably hu tao or xingqiu) told him to come.

well, it's your fault for telling them that you don't care about him anymore. but you couldn't help that uncomfortable feeling rumbling inside of you. probably because you haven't seen the young man in a long time.

"they were fine," you shrugged, feeling your mother's eyes on you as she was in a conversation with chongyun and xiangling. they were standing by the dining table, but of course your mom's eyes stared daggers into you— well, mostly xiao. she didn't really like him.

"i spent some time with chongyun and his aunt," you said as you looked away, e/c falling on your baby blue-haired friend, "she's a bit weird but nice."

"mhm." xiao hummed with a bored look on his face, and he seemed to look uneasy. probably because anyone can spot the dirty look in your mom's eyes from a mile away.

"your mom doesn't really like me, hm?" he asked, and you almost coughed because of how sudden that question was. furrowing your eyebrows, your eyes met his and you just shrugged, "uh, well... i don't know."

it's painfully obvious, but you didn't want this to be weirder than it already is.

"it's obvious, i guess," he dryly chuckled, "that dumbass tao said: y/n's mom said it's fine to come."

"what?" you looked puzzled, then you sighed. "of course she said..." you trailed off, then looked around the living room.

"speaking of hu tao, where's she?" you asked as you looked at xiao, who just shrugged.

everyone was here; xingqiu, chongyun, xiangling... except hu tao. she was here earlier, literally around twenty minutes ago. where could she have gone?

you pulled out your phone to call her.


"oh shoot." hu tao murmured with slightly wide eyes, staring at her phone, which showed that y/n was calling. the burgundy-haired young man next to her leaned over her shoulder with furrowed eyebrows, trying to take a look at her phone.

"what?" he asked, confused.

ignoring the call, hu tao pocketed her phone and grinned sheepishly, "y/n's calling." she giggled awkwardly, her eyes meeting green ones.

with a sigh, he kept following the girl. "when will we get there?"

"jeez, so eager to see y/n, heizou?" hu tao ignored his question and gave him a teasing grin, flicking his cheek. in response, he scoffed, glaring at her, and rubbed his stinging cheek.

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now