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did you guys think i was gonna leave y'all like this 😈 i was just feeling mischievous and silly


it felt like the world stopped, as if everything had gone silent — the birds you could hear chirping loudly just a few seconds ago were completely inaudible, and you could only hear the loud beating of both your hearts.

it was like your heartbeats synced together, the same way your lips did as well.

subconsciously, your hand made its way to his head, your fingers intertwining with his soft burgundy hair, twirling a piece of his hair between your fingers. you felt him smile against your lips once you did so.

a second later, you felt him pull away, probably to breathe. as you opened your eyes, with your hands still in his hair, you were met with his pretty green eyes staring into yours.

"y/n." he murmured your name, his face painted with a pink hue as sat in front of you, your knees touching as you both sat cross-legged. he had a cute smile on his face.

you gave him a smile also, a little chuckle leaving your lips as you let go off his hair. "heizou."

his smile began turning into a grin, and his eyes crinkled cutely as his face beamed. you enjoyed that face.

"that was nice."

"it was..." you murmured, nodding in response as you traced the details on his face. the beauty marks, the little dimples that formed as his smile widened, the way his eyes looked... he really was a pretty one.

your breath hitched and your eyes widened once you felt his face even closer to yours, "may i do that again?" he murmured, that smile still on his face, his breath hitting your lips as he talked. that's how close he was.

exhaling, your e/c hues scanned his face once again, flickering between his green eyes and his pink lips.

you hummed in response, giving a small nod of your head. and not even a second later, his lips were back on yours again, his hands moving to your own hands and intertwining your fingers together.

this kiss felt stronger than the last one, and you let out a shaky breath against his lips, and that only made him chuckle softly as he kissed you. his little laugh reverberated through you.

wow, oh god. you thought as he pulled away, then he leaned in again and placed another kiss on your lips.

this isn't like last time.

he did it again — pulling away from you, and leaving short, feather-like kisses on your lips. you had a feeling he enjoyed it.

"okay, okay..." you chuckled as you placed a hand on his chest, stopping him from pecking your lips again, and it only resulted in a disapproving whine from him. "that's enough!"

it was only because you had a feeling you might explode soon if he kept going.

"fine." he rolled his eyes, but still held his hands in yours, and his smile remained.

and you two kept staring at each other like that for a bit, smiling like idiots.


𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now