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that was the only thing heizou said as you two arrived to mawtiyima forest, a very popular forest located in sumeru's lokapala jungle.

with a soft smile on your face, you looked at heizou's wide green eyes as he stared at the large, fluorescent mushrooms that towered over you. that was also your reaction when you saw said forest for the first time.

"right? it's so pretty." you chuckled, e/c eyes falling on a particular mushroom that had a certain green glow to it, reminding you of heizou's own pretty eyes. "cyno once told me that this area," you pointed to where the large mushrooms were gathered, "was created by the ancient dreams and memories of the forest."

he couldn't help but scoff at the mention of cyno's name.

as you explained the origins of this forest, heizou seemed too drawn into its beauty to give you a proper response. with a soft laugh, you said: "of course, these are just ancient legends."

heizou's smile widened, then he looked at you, and you could notice the faint glow of the fluorescent mushrooms reflecting against his green hues.

since your pretty friend was leaving soon — in around two days — you decided to take him to your favorite place in all of sumeru, mawtiyima forest.

you actually thought it'd be a nice picnic spot, and that's why you had a cute little basket in your hand that consisted of a blanket and some food you prepared while heizou was asleep.

"it's really beautiful." he grinned, eyes crinkling as his lips tugged upwards.

so cute.

"the glow reminds me of watatsumi island." he said as the two of you walked through the forest, no sounds echoing in the empty forest except for your own, and a few birds chirping here and there. despite its popularity, mawtiyima forest doesn't get visitors often.

giving heizou a little smile of your own, you looked ahead of you as you two walked, "i wanna go there someday."

"when you come to inazuma," you liked how he said when, and not if. as if he's positive you'll actually go, "i'll show you around, hehe."

lightly chuckling, you nodded your head. "i look forward to it!"

and soon enough, the two of you settled under one of the giant mushrooms, sitting on the baby blue blanket you packed. you felt a bit awkward, mainly because heizou was sitting directly in front on you, his eyes staring into yours, and never leaving them.

it made your cheeks heat up a bit.

"you sure you want to leave?" you grinned as you took one of the sandwiches you packed, and when you did so, heizou's eyes left yours and instead scanned the things you packed for this little picnic date.

he noted that you must have put a lot of effort into making everything, and it made him feel a bit warm on the inside.

he scoffed, but just smiled at you right after, "it's not like i want to leave! trust me, if i could, i'd stay with you forever."

the way he said that so casually with that grin on his face made you feel embarrassed. gosh, he knew exactly how to make you flustered.

"but you know i'll definitely make some time for you and visit again."

when he said that, you paused chewing on your sandwich, and looked at him with slightly wide eyes.

"you plan to visit again?" that was a stupid question — you knew he planned to visit, but you didn't have any idea of when that will happen. you thought that maybe it should be you who visits inazuma next... unless he decides to surprise you again.

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now