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it wasn't a surprise to you when the first thing you heard in the morning was the soft coughing sounds coming from heizou.

he insisted on being so close and kissing me. not my problem. you thought with a huff as you got up from your bed, ignoring the fact that your burgundy-haired friend was squirming in your bed and groaning for some reason.

"can you stop?" you said with a hint of annoyance, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

well, it wasn't because the noises were annoying... quite the opposite, really.

he groaned once again, moving so much in your bed that he fell with a soft thud. he grunted, rubbing the top of his head, "but my throat hurts..." he muttered in a pained tone, eyes closed as he laid there on the ground, unmoving.

you sighed for the tenth time since you woke up, which wasn't even ten minutes ago. "maybe if you didn't insist on being so close." you said as you walked to him, offering him your hand.

then you remembered the events of last night for the millionth time. and your face immediately heat up. of course you had to remember what his lips felt like on yours right at this moment.

heizou took your hand, and slowly stood up. "well, if i'm not close to take care of you and your sickness, who will?" he grinned like an idiot, his eyes wrinkling and you watched as his two beauty marks moved as he grinned.

why is he so majestic, even with that huge bed head of his?

"i-" you stuttered, face still heating up as you, for some reason, kept thinking about what he did. "i can do it myself, i guess. now i'm almost recovered and you're not." you sighed as you let go off his hand, then walked to the door to your room.

"oh? i dont't believe that." you could feel that he was still grinning like an idiot. how does he have the energy for this? it's way too early...

and you almost slammed your head against the door when you remembered you have work today. of course, you knew tighnari would refuse to give you the day off.

but heizou was sick, and you didn't know if it's fine to leave him alone. who knows, he could rob you or something. maybe not, you actually have nothing of value in your apartment... but maybe his fever could get too high or—

or maybe i should stop making excuses just to have time with him.

he's staying for, what, a week? today's the third day, and you didn't even take him out once to actually explore the cool parts of sumeru. maybe you'll beg for a day off tomorrow, or whenever heizou recovers.

"hey," you said as you opened the door, but turned your head to face your majestic friend. "i have work today, unfortunately." you sighed. "will you be alright on your own?"

heizou gave you a questioning look, then rose his eyebrows a bit. "i think so." he shrugged as he walked out of the room as well, following you like a puppy.

"i'm just scared you'll get too sick when i'm not here." you explained as you made your way to the kitchen. he responded with a soft chuckle, that somehow, and for some reason, reminded you of last night once again.

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ♡ 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now