Chapter 1: Monkey

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"Zaclowski take out the trash", the phrase played in my head and jolted me awake, yet I couldn't recall where it was from. Currently, I am in a creative writing class on the planet Mars. I attend the first school built on Mars. When suddenly a window was smashed open and a giant hand yanked me out of the classroom. The hand belonged to a giant man, who said that I was in his seat. He prepared to squeeze the life and possibly more out of me, but at the last second, he tripped over a man selling water. He turned to the man, giving me time to run away and escape. I found a magic keyboard that could do anything so I deleted the giant by typing the magic combination: One truth, one half-truth, and one lie about myself. The man was saved and gave me free water. I tossed the keyboard in the trash and drank some water, before returning to class.

My whole body was shaking as I returned to class. I had not been this nervous outside, but as I returned I was trembling. I suppose the adrenaline had worn off and left me with overwhelming anxiety. I had not felt a fear like this ever since I was a young lad. I would have been about 5 when I was told to go on stage and sing. However, those steps onto the stage were nothing compared to what I was experiencing now. As I reminisced on the past, I turned the corner in the hallway and ran into the Kool-Aid man. I was getting a sense of Deja-Vu, my vision of the past warped and I recalled a dream I had earlier of meeting the Kool-Aid man in my school. I approached him and he vanished. I was stunned but centered myself, drank some water, and continued towards my classroom.

I sauntered off towards my class, in shock at what I just experienced. Not only was I just thrown outside, but I think I may have just hallucinated. As I walked I passed another teacher fiddling with some type of machine, and he saw me and asked me if I had seen Watson, I said "No, you should yell and see if he is around". He bellowed "Mr. Watson – Come here – I want to see you!". To which I heard a squeal from the other room, and the supposed Mr.Watson came in excitedly saying he heard every word. I did not know what that was all about, but I remember them shouting the word "Telephone!" Anyway, after that whole ordeal, I drank some water from my bottle and journeyed on.

I definitely was not going to have enough time to finish my test, and as I kept walking something fell out of my pocket. It was a scrap of paper since I don't like to litter so I picked it up. It was a fortune, I had eaten a fortune cookie earlier. I turned it over and it read "All the water in the world can't sink a ship unless it gets inside."I suppose that's true, but I didn't know what they had to do with me, I was yanked out of class, not drowned in it. I was near to my classroom now and as I entered the teacher questioned me-


Was she mad? I was just flung out of the window. I began to point and to my shock saw that the window was fine. What had happened...

She asked again shaking my thoughts and my core,

"Where have you been?"

"I was outside, there was a giant, and a fight an-"

"I see, you should lie better"

"It's not a lie-"

"Sit down and take the test"

I sulked down into my seat, and to my surprise when I sat down I kept sinking, I went underneath and the floor, and I thought "Maybe I'm dead". As I contemplated and had a mid-teenage life crisis. I was jolted awake by a loud noise


My teacher had jolted me out of- of- whatever that was. "Go to the principal's office! I have had enough of your machinations. Too shaken up to retort, I grabbed my water bottle and headed over to the principal's, remembering to hydrate along the way.

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