Chapter 6: Lamb

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"And just take them off when they are done sweetie...",Sakura said was fixing up more batter. She was showing me how to make pancakes, a nice break from all the pressure I had been under lately, but it was hard pretending I didn't know how to cook. I was purposefully making mistakes to act like a beginner but she seemed to see through it.

Sakura sighed and stared at me...

"You know how to cook don't you?" She asked looking at me wistfully. I nodded, not taking my eyes off the pan.

"Why didn't you tell me?", She asked.

I couldn't look her in the eye, "I... don't know, I couldn't you looked so happy and..."

"I thought we were bonding Summer, but now it seems like you don't even need me..." she was beginning to tear up, "They really do grow so fast, I just don't understand why."

"Well time is perspective mom, every day the things you love about them will change, and the things you love about them wont change and soon you will love everything about them, well not the times you are screaming at them in anger but you will still remember them, I guess what I'm trying to say is that... that was fun, you're fun," I said unsure of what I had just said.

Sakura stared at me...she was now smiling at me "That's so beautiful Summer...come here", she pulled me into a hug, she was warm, and comforting. I let her hold me, letting her fill me with her warmth, something I hadn't felt in a while. My life had been a cycle of uncertainty and pain, but right now I felt whole again, I felt like I had a home and was loved again, and that felt great.

We sat at the kitchen table to eat what we had made. The pancakes were warm and fluffy with a light taste of syrup. We poured a cup of orange juice and ate. The whole time, as we ate, I felt like I was lost in the pleasure of just being...normal.

At the same time, I knew deep down in my heart that I was going to ruin this lady's life by taking Steve from her...but what could I say? I had orders... I shook my head... I wouldn't betray my masters.

"So Summer, would you like to go to the park after we eat?", She said her eyes sparkling.

I smiled, "I would love to go", I said. Somehow her smile grew larger and she hopped up.

"Great! We can go when you're done, I just need to freshen up first", she said rushing upstairs. I closed my eyes, letting my mind drift. I was feeling very conflicted, I felt like I could get used to this life, and man... I need someone to talk to but who?

Sakura? No way, she'd freak.

T? Maybe... but she might not take it well, she always put her orders before anything else, and she might report me to Zaclowski despite being my sister.

I was almost done with my pancakes when I heard a ringing, Sakura had left her phone on the table, I picked it up to look at the name. Stevey-Bear. It was Steve, I quickly put the phone down and called out

"Mom... your phone is ringinggggg!",

I paused, that was going to take getting used to, but on the other hand is felt right. They had adopted me, and seemed like really nice people but I had a job to do, I did feel a little saddened since Mr.Steve was such a nice guy, and Sakura... My heart wrenched a bit, she was so nice and seemed like a great person, but I had to follow my orders. Maybe I cou-

"Heyyyy sweeetie thank you!, Sakura said as she came down the stairs scooping up her phone,

"Hello... Steve? Are you there?"

There seemed to be no reply as Sakura's brows began to crease in concern.

"Is everything alright?", I asked, becoming curious.

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