Chapter 11: Tiger

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She didn't respond. She didn't even open her eyes. I panicked and knelt down to search for a heartbeat...for anything. I put my fingers to her pulse. It was there. She was alive. I quickly put on my mask and picked her up, still wheezing heavily, and ran to the elevator. I hit the up button, still holding her in my arms. Nothing happened and out stepped Zaclowski, and Bruce, both holding their weapons.

"I gotta say boy, you impress me", Zaclowski said now wearing a bandage around his severed hand.

"Well, you did give me a hand, or both of your hands rather", I said, still holding Summer close to me.

Zaclowski turned red, "How DARE you! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA-"

Bruce interrupted him, "It's okay boss, I'll handle it" he said.

Zaclowski stared at him, "Don't you EVER interrupt me, but... yes do that."

Bruce started towards me a dark look in his eyes, "Bruce c'mon wake up, I don't want to hurt you", I pleaded with him.

He chuckled, "Kid, I'm not brainwashed, we were making fun of you."

"No... I don't believe that, I won't believe it", I said placing Summer down and facing Bruce. "I'll be back, stay strong", I whispered to her.

"Suit yourself", Bruce said as he swung a large mace at me. I leapt out of the way, but Bruce kicked me against the wall, slamming me into it. I stood up, a little shaken, and drew my longsword.

"You can't win kid sorry to tell you this", he said, laughing at me.

I swung my cutlass at him, but he dodged it, the longsword cutting the air where he was standing.

"Why are you doing this?", I asked. "Don't you want to be free?", I asked.

"I want you to help me get out of here", he replied calmly.

"Really?", I asked surprised.

"No.", he laughed bringing the full weight of the mace on the longsword snapping it half. I staggered backwards, and watched as the blade clanged to the floor.

"Bastard, you're past redemption even if you wanted to be saved, you couldn't.", I said throwing my dagger at his face.

He dodged it with superhuman speed, and started towards me. I quickly drew my cutlass, and swung it at his torso. He dodged it, and punched me hard in the face, knocking me back. I fell back, still holding my cutlass in one hand, and watched as he advanced on me.

"You can't win, you cannot turn him", Zaclowski gloated. "He is a robot, his brain is the perfect fighting system, and it is mine."

I gritted my teeth ignoring Zaclowski as I tried to dodge another swing of the mace, but I didn't evade it in time, and it hit me, knocking me back again, and tearing a giant hole in my clothing revealing my bloody and bruised back.

"Woo-hoo!", Zaclowski said jeering.

I grimaced, I couldn't keep this up, I needed to change something up.

"Give up boy!", he shouted.

I stood up and threw my mask to the floor revealing my face.

"Was that supposed to intimidate me?", Bruce asked, half laughing. "I mean it's certainly ugly!"

I ignored him and charged at him, he prepared to swing his mace, but instead of dodging this time, I swung the cutlass at the mace, trying to cut it in half. There was a loud screech and sparks as the metals clashed, his mace had picked up a bent, but the cutlass remained strong.

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