Chapter 5: Dog

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"Don't fight it, you'll die, just relax, this is your life now, you can either adjust and thrive or you can get angry and die" ,she took out a brush, "Now the fun part, what color do you want your leg to be" she giggled.

"Are you serious!", I asked.

"As a matter of fact, Yes, I am, now hurry up and pick a color so I can start painting your new leg. It'll be the only leg you'll ever need, I promise".

I looked around the room, "This is a joke right? How can this really be a medical facility? I need to get out of here...", I said.

"No you don't", she laughed, "you need this more than anyone I have ever seen. Life without painting your limb would be terrible, you would feel so naked."

"No, I don't wanna be painted", I whined, "I don't want to wear this ugly fucking leg of yours!".

"And who's going to paint it for you then?" she asked as she leaned in, "My sister Summer? She used to paint Boo's leg..., that was our dog".

"I don't want any of you!", I screamed, "Just kill me!" I cried, "Please don't do this to me".

She leaned in again, and whispered, "Just try me, I'm never gonna go away".

I felt her hand on my cheek, she was taking a different tactic. She began to kiss my face, she was acting as if she was actually kissing me. The way her lips pressed against mine I could feel them shaking, as she whispered in my ear, "I have only been really good to you. I never caused you any pain....

I pushed her back, "You CHOPPED my leg off!", I yelled crying.

"I had to!, you think I'm in charge here,I'm as trapped as you", she said looking around, " but I'VE made it work, you might as well do the same or else...", she continued, "you'd die, and it would be all my fault."

"I won't be any use to anyone.", I said with tears.

"Yes you will, now will you pick a color or I'll just pick one for you, and you won't be happy with it", she said.

"...purple" I said begrudgingly.

She nodded, "That will be perfect" , as she began to paint my leg purple.

At this point, I was crying uncontrollably, I felt like I was not in my own body. I felt like there was no end to the pain I was feeling. It was as if my mind was a broken toy, that was strung together with rope, it was no longer a piece of furniture, but a piece of plastic, I felt the rope snap, and my head just flop around everywhere, I felt like I was no longer holding up my own head, I felt like the weight of my entire body was falling on to my purple painted leg, as I was bouncing up and down on it.

"What the fuck, was that", I thought to myself.

"You will be happy with it" she said as she kissed me on the cheek, before finishing the painting.

"You will be truly happy", she whispered, "You'll wear this leg forever and there will never be a moment where you forget it or me...

Your new leg will be like a second skin to you, you will forget it is even there, you will love it for all eternity".

"That is a bit much", I mumbled, before I fell asleep.


I woke up back in my cell, the paint had dried on my new leg and looked quite nice I had to admit. My new leg stung a bit, as I gently started walking again. It was like my leg was a part of me, I could almost hear my own thoughts as I walked around the inside of my cell, I could hear the distinct "thump, thump" of the metal soles of my new leg against the floor, the sound echoed through the concrete walls, it was soothing, as soothing as you can get locked in a cell.

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