Chapter 9: Pig

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I prepared to knock on the door, then stopped.

"Why knock, fuck this motherfucker,"I thought.

I swung my new leg and bashed it into the door, I got a good amount of force behind it, the door exploded open as the latch broke and the door flew open.

I stepped inside and saw some machine's and tools, for what I thought was surgery. A recognizable face looked at me in shock, before turning into anger, it was Zaclowski.

"ARE YOU COMPLETELY MAD?", Zaclowski screamed.

"A lil bit", I retorted.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS, TO MY DOOR?" He screamed at me, I just smirked,

"Well, I didn't know if I should knock or..."

"Or BASH my door like a maniac?", he asked, " can be replaced', he took a breath calming himself. "Come in,come in, sit down", I took a seat in a wooden chair. I was a bit surprised that he didn't ask about my new appearance.

"So what have you been planning on doing with me?", I asked.

"Well," he said, "You will be my greatest project of all time".

"Really?", I asked, "What about getting your hair back?", I snickered, and pointed at his bald head.

He stared at me before speaking, "Insolent wretch, do you understand how many people would kill to get this chance?".

"What to be kidnapped? Or have my face permanently changed?", I retorted.

"You think too small, with this power I will give you...", he continued. "I will make you everything you've ever wanted in life, without the risk of danger to others."

"Without a danger to others?", I laughed, "From what I hear you kidnap children and torture them."

"Torture...", he said raising his hand, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger my friend, or more powerful. Who are you to talk?" I felt anger rising in me, I calmed down,

"How many people have you tortured in the name of science?",

"At this moment, more people than I care to count."

I scoffed, "You're sick."

"And now you laugh, how dare you seek to claim the moral high ground over me. Everyone one has a sin, a vice, I simply turned mine into a way to gain power."

Zaclowski stood up and walked over to me, he looked into my eyes before saying. "So cut off your attitude, I can take away all your power in a instant... dog." He looked at my mask before laughing. I felt angry I took a step towards him before I felt a shock through my body, it felt like electricity, I turned my head before the burning sensation stopped. I looked at the doctor, his face amused...

"Did you really think I would give you these powers, let you into my office, if I wasn't sure that I would not be harmed," He asked me.

I gritted my teeth and spoke,

"You think you're so smart", I continued. "Well, let me tell you something.

I am not afraid of you, nor your 'gift'.

I'm not afraid of these powers, I am not afraid of your experiments. I am not afraid of pain. You think you know so much... But you're wrong. You see, you have made a monster and I don't think you understand what you've made."

Zaclowski smirked and raised his hand, as he pointed at me, "A nice speech but your threats are useless", he bent down to my ear and whispered, "You are my dog, my minion, remember that".

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