He Lives In You

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"Daddy!" A young lioness cub rubs up to her father. Her father bends his head down and rubs her head with a paw.
"Kiara, are u ready to meet your brother?" Her father asked, Kiara jumps up and down her tail wagging.
"Yes! Come on!" Kiara squeals of joy and runs inside of pride rock, as her father follows behind a lioness who was cleaning her new born cub.
"Nala." He rubs her head with his, Nala smiles and rubs back.
"Simba" Simba looks at his son as Rafiki joins them.
"Queen Nala, King Simba, and Princess Kiara." He bows, They Royal family bows in return.
"Rafiki." Simba gives a gental smile, Rafiki picks up the young lion cub and looks at the family as they follow him outside of pride rock, all the animals gather around to see the new prince to be interdouce, as Rafiki raised him into the air, a sun beam shined down at him as wind swirl around all the animals. The animals cheered and bowed to the new prince, so then Timon and Pumba joined the Royal family as Rafiki let Nala snuggle her cub while he was still in his arms.
"Look at the little guy, so what's his name huh Simba?" Timon nudges Simba. Simba chuckles as Kiara snuggles her brother.
"His name is Kion."
"Such a perfect fit for the little guy!" Pumba wipes a tear and smiles.
"Indeed." Rafiki gives Kion back to Nala and bows to the family."I must leave now."
"Thank you Rafiki." Simba smiles, Rafiki nods and heads to his tree as he gets there he feels a cold rush of wind.
"Huh, Mufasa what are you saying?" He asks, another rush of wind goes by and Rafiki eyes widen as he looks into the outlands."A hyena has been born? I need an understanding Mufasa." Rafiki looks at the sky, then another rush of wind goes by Rafiki then realized."You think the hyena and Kion would meet one day? But why?" Rafiki questions the former king, the former king gives his answer as Rafiki listens."This is crazy! But I hope you know what you are exactly doing!" Rafiki says as another gush of wind goes around him. But in the outlands a Hyena is cuddling her new cub who has been born.
"Medoa." The Hyena called for her daughter, Medoa comes running her brown eyes glow as she looks at her mother. She smiles as she acknowledged her little sister.
"What's her name?" Medoa asked quietly, her mother smiles and looks at her .
"Jasiri." The hyena smiles then a vulture comes flying in.
"Zuberi." The vulture bows and walks towards her.
"Chacha, pleasure to see you." The hyena and vulture are very close friends.
"I've seen that the little one has arrived." He smiles.
"She has." Zuberi snuggles her cub, Chacha clears his throat.
"But with other news, King Simba and Queen Nala have a second child name Kion." Chacha explained, Zuberi raise an eyebrow.
"Really, well I hope he continues along with the cricle of life like us." Zuberi smiles, Medoa and Chacha smile as well,"Medoa go tell the rest of the clan Jasiri has been born."
"Yes mother! Chacha come on!" Medoa giggles and runs off Chacha soon follows, Zuberi licks her cubs head and sighs.
"You will be a great leader my dear, I know you but be careful." Zuberi rests along side her cub protecting her.

A mystery of love (kion x jasiri fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now