Meeting her mother

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As Jasiri travels through the pridelands trying to find her friend, she started by staying low and sniffing him for him, as she grew closer she bumped into a zebra which startled it causing to jump away alerting more animals.
"Hyena in the Pridelands! Hyena in the Pridelands!" Jasiri just shook her head and kept going the way she was going then she heard a voice from the other side. As she jumps out the bush she runs into Bunga.
"Hey Bunga!" She giggles, Bunga smiles in relief.
"You're the hyena who helped Kion get to flat ridge rock!" Bunga smiles at the hyena.
"Well we help each other." Jasiri smiles as she notices Kion walking over.
"Jasiri everything okay, is Janja bothering you again?" Kion asks his friend, but she shakes her head.
"No, but lions have took over my clans watering hole." Jasiri tells the young lion as him and his friend got confused.
"Lions in the outlands?" Bunga questions, Jasiri nods.
"Im sure I can help, Bunga can you let the guard know I'm going to the outlands with Jasiri." Kion asks the hunnybadegr, Bunga nods and runs to tell the guard as Kion and Jasiri head to the outlands. Once they've reach the outlands, Jasiri started being more aware of her surroundings."Jasiri is everything alright?" Kion asks worried for his friend.
"I'm fine, just I've never seen lions in the outlands not typical their home" Jasiri smiles.
"Yeah, it's werid but don't worry I'm sure it's a misunderstanding." Kion smiles. Jasiri smiles back, as they approach Jasiri's clan Medoa was playing with Wema and Tuna but the two young hyena pups whined which altered the clan as they went to hide.
"Jasiri you're back and you weren't kidding you really are friends with a lion." Medoa was in shocked to see a lion and a hyena together.
"Kion this is my sister Medoa." Jasiri smiles
"Nice to meet you Medoa." Kion gives a small smile.
"You too." Medoa gathers her words as they all look at the hyena cubs who were behind a rock.
"Hey little guys, don't need to be afraid of me." Kion reassures the young ones but they were still afraid.
"You can't blame them really all they know are bad lions." Medoa sighs.
"Like the ones who stole our watering hole."Jasiri gives a low growl.
"That's why I'm here to help I don't why lions are in the outlands but I'll make sure you all get the water you need." Kion tells the clan of hyena's.
"Thank you Prince Kion." Zuberi says as she jumps out from the shadows and Chacha lands next to her. Zuberi is tall she has a purple and black mane going down her back and brown eyes shining amongst her clan, Kion gulps as he feels intimated by her as she has scars on her legs,chest,and a scar on her eye, but she was beautiful.
"This my mom also the leader of our clan Zuberi." Jasiri smiles as Zuberi jumps towards the two.
"Thank you for helping us as much as you can, I hope we didn't take you away from important lion guard business." Zuberi gives a soft gentle smile which makes Kion relax.
"No you didn't and I'm happy to help in any way possible." Kion smiles in return, Zuberi bows.
"Thank you, we have to search for food but Jasiri can show you the way to the watering hole" Zuberi smiles. Kion nods as he and Jasiri leave towards the watering hole, Medoa walks towards her mother and sits down.
"Are you sure it's okay to trust him?" Medoa asks her mother with concern.
"If Jasiri trusts him so do I ." Zeburi smiles."Now come we have work to do."

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