The Roar has returned my dear

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Jasiri woke up and she noticed her mother sitting outside their den watching something , she gets up and walks over to and sees what she was looking at again she saw Janja a male hyena with his clan panic running through their territory, Jasiri growls.
"This is the fifth time this week they've been running through here." Jasiri rolls her eyes annoyed she doesn't have the best relationship with Janja because of the things he has done, he takes more of his share, attacked her clan, and almost killed her mother.
"Then they should be able to explain." Zuberi jumps down in front of them as the rest of her clan surrounds his.
"Zuberi well isn't this a warm welcome." Janja snickers."Don't worry we were just pasting by."
"For the fifth time this week? Janja I don't know what you have been up to but word has been going around that you are getting your tail get by pridelanders." Zuberi snarls as Jasiri jumps to her side.
"Let's not forget that you stole from our clan." Jasiri steps in front of them.
"Well why should we explain our selves to you huh?!" Janja snaps.
"The lion guard did it! We keepon attacking the pride lands." Cheezi nods and laughs Janja growls and snaps at him.
"Furbrain!" He yells.
"You've been what?!" Medoa yells and gets in Janja's face.
"Oh chill out! Kion and his weak friends can't do nothing even with that roar of his." Janja rolls his eyes.
"You prince kion has the roar of the elders? And yet you still attacked the pridelands?!" Zuberi was frustrated.
"So that means he's the leader." Jasiri looks at her mother and sister.
"Oh well who cares! We are going to keep doing what we want!" Janja snarls, Jasiri steps in between him and Medoa.
"Get out of here Janja now!"
"I don't think so!" He jumps about to attack but Jasiri punches him causing him to fall on his stomach. Janja looks up at the hyena who's purple eyes were glowing at him sharply.
"I said go." She growls at him, which casue him and his clan to leave and head to their territory, Jasiri sighs and looks at her mother."I'll go search for some food it's been awhile since we've last ate." Zuberi nods and smiles.
"Be careful and make sure to take your share." Zuberi snuggles her daughter Jasiri smiles.
"I will mom I will be back." Jasiri walks off as she travels she notices someone who she's never seen before she then realized it was Kion leader of the lion guard but in the outlands why? She decided to follow him as she watches him trying to find his way out of her home. Kion was getting paranoid as he smelt an unknown sent near as he continued to walk around the outlands, then rocks fell and he sniffed them. "Hellooo." Jasiri says, Kion jumps and looks at her. "Surprise. Didn't know I was up here did ya?" She asked. Kion struggle with his words.
" I knew you were there the whole time hyena." He growls at her, Jasiri laughs and jumps down towards him.
"Yup I'm a Hyena alright you lions are so clever especially you Kion leader of the lion guard." Kion was surprised and step back a bit.
"Just by repetition but the mark on your shoulder is a give away though." Jasiri laughs, Kion has a puzzle face of confusion.
"So you're not in Janja's clan?" Kion asks, Jasiri shoots up with surprise.
"Janja? Yeah that's a good one, what are you doing outlands not exactly your territory." Jasiri questions the young prince.
"I'm going to flat ridge rock, so I can get back to the pride lands if that's okay with you hyena." Kion returns his response with a low growl, Jasiri narrows her eyes in return.
"The names Jasiri and if you want to get back to the pridelands you're going the wrong way." Jasiri cricle around him than sat down.
" Uh huh, and I should trust a hyena because?" Kion looks at Jasiri with daggers.
"Because I want you out of my territory." Jasiri respond her eyes were sharp staring at him.
"Good I want out of your territory!" Kion walks off turning away from the young hyena.
"Then your going the wrong way!" Jasiri giggles and runs after him, Kion turns and looks at her.
"Why are you following me?" He questions, Jasiri rolls her eyes.
"At least take my advice." She jumps to a rock."But at least know I'll be watching and there may be a few of my clan members around they mostly likely will help you." Jasiri walks into the shadows as Kion rolls her eyes at her, as she got to a point in her territory while following Kion she saw her mother standing there looking at him.
"You've been following the young prince my dear." Zuberi was laying down her front two legs were cross as she smiles at her daughter, Jasiri sat down next to her mother.
"He doesn't know where he's going I want him out so I'll be helping him." Jasiri licks her paw, Zuberi giggles softly.
"You know lions are stubborn so they be more hard to convince." Jasiri sighs and snuggles her mother's head.
"I know I should catch up with him now." Jasiri walks off.
"Oh and Jasiri." Her mother calls out, Jasiri turns her head back."Be careful the roar has returned my dear."
"I know mom I'll be careful." Jasiri smiles and jumps off.

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