The rest of the guard

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As Jasiri and Kion got closer to flat ridge rock they had to go through Janja's territory.
"What's wrong?" Kion asks Jasiri, she turns around and looks at him.
"We're in Janja's territory and believe it or not we don't get along." Jasiri giggles, Kion smiles at her."Don't flat ridge rock is right over there, you're almost home."
"Asante Jasiri thank you." Kion starts to climb the rocks to head to flat ridge rock.
"Sure, bye Kion!" She smiles and starts to walk off with a smile. Kion turns around and looks at her.
"Hey Jasiri! If you ever need my help." He starts to suggest.
"Help from a lion?" Jasiri giggles."That's a good one." Jasiri walks off once more.
"Okay." Kion smiles and makes his way home, as he leaves Jasiri was more cautious about her surroundings she looks left and right to make sure she is safe, but once she makes one hard right she bumps into Janja.
"Janja!" She gasps he was growling at her.
"Well,well if ain't Jasiri thought I told ya to stay off our terf!" Janja snaps at her, Jasiri growls and gets into a fighting position.
"Just passing through so move or do I have to move you myself?" Jasiri questions, then Cheezi and Chungu came out of nowhere along with their laughter.
"Big talk coming from someone who's all alone." Janja snickers.
"Okay, I'll take another path." As she turns around she notices she's surrounded startle her, all males Hyena's growling and snarling at her."So you figure the three couldn't stand a chance against me?"
"Come on boys, let's remind Jasiri who wanders into our part of the outlands." Janja tells his clan as they all started to surrounding her.
"These all the hyena's you've got Janja?" Jasiri questions soon as one starts to attack which she defend herself very quickly. They all tired to take her down but failed which casued Janja to pin her down.
"Enough playing around!" He growls as her but before he could do anything a shadow appear in front of them, then Kion jump Infront of Janja and punched him off Jasiri."Kion?!" He exclaims.
"What are you doing here?" Jasiri asks, Kion smiles.
"I'm here to help!" Kion responded lightly but they started to get surrounded
"If you say so, but I got them right where I want them." Jasiri smiles, they started to be attacked at angles but they defend themselves pretty quickly until they were cornered.
"Oh no looks like were cornered." Kion says as they both slowly step back, Janja jumps Infront of the two laughing.
"Got you now."
"Jasiri get behind me now!" Kion puts his paw Infront of her, Jasiri was confused.
"Why?" She asked confused on what he's about to do.
"Trust me." He replies, Jasiri stares at him then goes behind him.
"Can't believe I'm trusting a lion." She stands behind as he defends her as the other hyenas grew closer.
"Don't know why you're in the outlands helping a hyena Kion, but it's the last thing you'll ever do!" Janja laughs, soon after the wind pick the breeze was cold, Jasiri worried she looks up at the sky amazed, soon after as Kion roared lions appear in the clouds so powerful they sent Janja and his clan flying which shocked Jasiri. Janja growls."Ugh, I hate that roar." But as he looked up Kion was Infront of him."Come on boys let's go!" They all started running wich casue Jasiri to laugh.
"Look at them go! That is the funniest thing I've ever see!" Both Kion and Jasiri shared a laugh at the sight of seeing Janja and his clan run off."Okay, that roar thing is definitely something we don't have in common."
"I've seen you in action, you don't need a roar." Kion compliments her.
"You know I've never thought a lion would help a hyena." Jasiri smiles and nudges Kion a bit, Kion's face grows a deep red blush then he looks at her.
"Well not all lions are alike." Kion smiles, Jasiri face also grows a deep red blush and smiles.
"He's over here!" A voice shouts out.
"Kion!" A hunny badger yells out, then a cheetah growls at Jasiri and jumps towards her.
"Back off hyena!" She yells at her, which made Jasiri go into defense mode and growl back at her.
"Woah,woah Fuil! Take it easy she's a friend." Kion explained to his cheetah friend.
"She is?" Fuil questions.
"I am?" Jasiri's tail starts wagging.
"Definitely." Kion smiles at her but then the hunnybadegr came up to him and whispered to him.
"But she's a hyena."
"I know Bunga but not all hyenas are alike,some of them are good, she's one of them." Kion tells his friends, which made Fuil smile.
"Really?" Fuil smiles even more.
"She got me through the outlands."
"And he saved me from Janja and his clan."
"Well any friend of Kion's is a friend of ours." A hippo named Besthee smiles as his ears wiggle.
"You should have seen take on Cheezi and Chungu, she was fierce!" Kion laughs as he imitates a fighting move.
"I like her already." Fuil says, they all return to the pridelands but Kion and Jasiri we're sharing their goodbyes before Kion went with the rest of the lion guard.
"Well I better get back to my territory, I'm sure you're roar doesn't scare off Janja forever." Jasiri laughs.
"If only." Kion scoffs and smiles at the hyena.
"Bye Kion it's been fun." Jasiri heads back into the outlands.
"Maybe I'll see you again sometime?" Kion asks. Jasiri looks at him and jumps off.
"Not if I see you first!" She laughs as she disappears into the outlands, Kion catches up to the rest of the guard, when Kion returns home he saw his parents, his sister and her friends, Zazu, and Rafiki.
"Kion are you alright Zazu report seeing you exiting the outlands." Nala was worried for her son.
"I'm fine mom, I've gotten help from someone there." Kion smiles and turns his head away a bit.
"Help from someone in the outlands?" Simba questions his son.
"Yeah she help me get to flat ridge rock." Kion sat down.
"Well then who is she?" Kiara asked her brother with a smirk.
"Her names Jasiri and she's a hyena."
"A hyena? Why would a hyena help you?" Zuri one of Kiara's friends asks.
"Well she's not like Janja and his clan she even respects the circle of life." Kion exclaims.
"Well she sounds like a beautiful animal." Simba says, Rafiki then laughs.
"So she was the one Mufasa was talking about all along." Rafiki smiles, the Royal family looks at Rafiki.
"Grandfather knows about Jasiri?" Kiara asks, Rafiki nods.
"Yes, he had feeling Kion would meet her one day." Rafiki bumps his staff on Kion's head.
"Mufasa always has a feeling." Zazu jokes, then a gush of wind flows behind him."Okay,okay I'm sorry." The Royal family laughs.
"Well Kion I would love to meet her one day." Simba smiles.
"Really?" Kion asks, Simba nods.
"Now go get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow." Nala tells her son.

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