lions over all

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"Mother! We have a visitor!" Nuka shouts out, Kovu runs up to his mother and smiles with emerald eyes shining bright.
"It's Simba's son Kion!" Kovu tail wags with joy with hope he would be back in the pridelands to see Kiara once more.
"Simba's son! Well what an honor." Their mother bows as Nuka runs up to her.
"He pounced on me!" Nuka whimpers, his mother sighs and rolls her eyes.
"I'm sure you pounced first." She says as she walks to Kion and Jasiri."I'm Zira and this is my daughter Vitani." Vitani Zora's daughter giggles.
"A lion and a hyena hmm." Vitani stares the two down. Zira giggles at her daughter statement.
"Not just any lion dear, Simba's son, so tell me Koin what brings you to the outlands."
"I'm here to ask why you took Jasiri's watering hole without asking if you guys can share, and why aren't you in the pride lands?" Kion asks,Zira sighs and walks over to a rock.
"So many questions but my question is why don't you use the roar to give your friend what she needs?"
"You can do that?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Kion has a special roar, the roar of the elders isn't that right?" Zira questions the young cub.
"Yeah but how do you know about that?" Kion asks.
"Oh I know all about the roar ,you see the cloud? Roar at it."
"You want me to roar at the cloud?" Kion was getting confused.
"What's wrong Kion? I thought you wanted to help your friend?" Zira exclaims, Kion shakes his head.
"I don't think roaring at the cloud is going to help." Kion trys to reason.
"Kion?" Jasiri eyes were full of worry, Kion sighs then soon walks Infront of everyone and roars at the cloud, the wind picked up soon it rained. Everyone was amazed Jasiri walks up to Kion."Were you always able to do that?"
" No...Zira how did you know that the roar can do that?" Kion asks, Zira walks over to him and smiles.
"I know all about the roar but I would like to talk about it in private lion to lion." Zira says, Kion was thinking but Jasiri whispers to him.
"I don't trust her Kion.."
"I know maybe I can reason with them."
"I hope your right."
"Alright Zira I'll go with you."
"Wonderful, Children I'll be back." Zira and Kion walked off soon after Nuka was about to attack Jasiri but Zira stopped him "Okay nice Nuka!" Zira sings, Jasiri bites at Nuka making her jump causing her to giggle.
"That's right Nuka let's play nice."
"Kion, son of Simba I'm so glad to meet you." Zira says.
"You are?"
"Oh yes it doesn't matter where we live! We're all lions and that's what's important!"

Zira: There is no greater power than to rule over the land! We both have it inside us it's here where we stand, my friend you know it's true look close and you will find, ruling every animal is destiny for our kind! So if we join to together we never fall. Lions must rule forever. Lions over all~. Lions over all! No animal is more grand! Lions over all it's why we rule the land, we crush every resistance so enemies keep their distance! Lions, lions over all~

Kion: If we do what you suggest we be evil and cruel , using force and threat that is no way to rule.

Zira: But if we join together we never fall! Yes lions must rule forever! Lions over all~

Zira: Lions over all no animal is more grand!

Kion: stay noble and grand!

Zira: Lions over all! It's why we rule the land!

Kion: we must protect the land

Zira: we crush any resistance

Kion: friendship and kindness

Zira: so enemies keep their distance!

Kion: will always find us!

Zira: Lions, Lions over all~

"Zira, you and I have different ideas on how lions should act."

"And that's why we're here to talk."

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