A Travel far more than good

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It's been a few weeks since Kion and Jasiri last saw each other, she's been wanting to meet up with him again but she's been busy helping her clan, She could only find enough food that would last for weeks, As Medoa was drinking water Chacha came flying in.
"Oh Chacha your a little early today." One of Medoa's ears went up. Chacha bowed and look at her.
"It appears lions are heading over to our territory it doesn't look good at all." Chacha explained, Medoa face went to concerned to serious quick, then Jasiri came over with two cubs named Wema and Tuna.
"Lions in the outlands? That's weird." Jasiri sat down next to her sister while the two other cubs started playing with each other.
"Indeed." Chacha sighs,"It looks like they've been traveling for days many weeks." Medoa sniff the air.
"Looks like they've arrived, Chacha go get mother." Medoa command, in response Chacha flew off to go get Zeburi. Then a place cream lioness with red eyes appear Infront of them along with her pride.
"This watering hole belongs to us now so leave and never return." She smiles with a devilish look of her face, Jasiri had gotten angry.
"Excuse me? You're in our territory your welcome to share but you can't take what isn't yours." Jasiri growls at the lioness, then a teenage male got defensive.
"Watch your mouth hyena we are in charge here!" He growled at Jasiri which made the female lioness put her paw Infront of her son.
"But mom why can't we share with them? What's so wrong about that?" A young auburn male lion cub with green eye asked.
"Because Kovu we need it more than they do." His mother rub his mane.
"I'm sorry to interrupt what is happening, but Zira we have very young cubs like you do that need water." Zuberi appear behind that pack of lions which made everyone look at her, Zira the female lion chuckles.
"Why Zuberi I didn't know this belongs to your clan." She smiles at Zuberi with evil in her eyes, Zuberi jumps down towards her clan standing infront of them.
"We will be willingly to share our watering just as long as you don't try to throw us over." Zuberi shot daggers at the lions Infront of her, Zira jump towards Zuberi scratchs the side of her face.
"We lions are superior over you hyenas." Zira growls, Jasiri got angry and looked at Chacha.
"Get the cubs somewhere safe." Jasiri told Chacha, he nodded and led the cubs somewhere safe, Zuberi started growling and attacked Zira which started the pride of lions to attack the clan of hyena's, the battle casued the pride of lions to chase the hyena's out of their own territory, once the hyena's reach a safe location, Chacha came along with the young cubs not a single scratch on them. Medoa quickly went towards them,  Jasiri look at her mother who was a little injured.
"Mother!" She rushed to her mother's side, Her mother look at her and place a paw on her face.
"Go to him..get help.." Zuberi slowly says."Go get Kion.." Medoa looks at her sister confused.
"Kion as in leader of the lion guard?" Medoa was shocked, Jasiri nodded.
"He's my friend he'll help us." Jasiri smiles, Medoa looked at her sister with sadden eyes.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." Jasiri smiles, the Chacha flew by and stood next to Jasiri.
"I'll take off your mother now go. " Chacha reassuring Jasiri her mother was in safe hands as she left towards the pridelands.

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