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Song Zhenzhu asked suspiciously, "Didn't you get your salary when you came to go through the formalities last time?"

"Is there any? Huo Yueze helped me go through the formalities last time. He gave me a bunch of documents, but I didn't open them all."

Cheng Zhou was a little annoyed. If he had known about him, he would have read the contents of the certificate carefully. At least he had to find out his salary.

"You should be a first-class worker, with a salary of 33 yuan a month. As for the food ration, if I remember correctly, it should be 28 catties per month. As for other vouchers, you should go back and take a good look at your food allowance." This book and the non-staple food book, the street office will write it clearly for you."

"Last time I read the food book and non-staple food book, but there is no share for me." Cheng Zhou wondered.

Song Zhenzhu smiled, "You will find out when you go back and ask, it may be that the sub-district office hasn't added it to you, and you will definitely get the food stamps and other vouchers you should have by next month.

Cheng Zhou nodded, feeling very grateful that he touched his soft palms. He is also a city dweller who receives his wages and receives commodity grain. Finally, he doesn't have to worry about carrying a hoe to farm the land.

Farming is definitely not something he can do! He didn't want to grind painful blisters on the palm of his hand at all!

The two chatted for a long time, taking advantage of the fact that few people came to the department store in the morning, Song Zhenzhu took Cheng Zhou to introduce each other to the colleagues at the surrounding counters.

Cheng Zhou greeted them one by one with a smile. Those who should be called aunts should be called aunts. As for meeting young girls, he was not shy, so he directly asked each other's name, so that it would be convenient to call them later.

Then he returned to his own counter, Cheng Zhou lay on the counter doing nothing and waited for a long time, finally he waited for the first customer to come to the door.

"Little comrade, one foot of labor cloth." The half-white-haired grandmother handed over the cloth ticket and money.

Song Zhenzhu stood by and didn't intervene. Cheng Zhou could only carefully collect the money and fabric tickets by himself, write down the entry in the account book, and then started cutting the fabric without being very skilled.

When cutting the cloth, the old lady shouted: "Little comrade, don't pull it so tight, loosen it, loosen it a little more, the children at home will point to this point of cloth to connect the trouser legs."

There is no family planning these days, and every household has many children, and the cloth tickets received every year are not enough for the whole family after careful calculation.

Children grow up fast, and their clothes have to be changed every year. The most common way is to add a piece of trousers to the old trousers.

Cheng Zhou smiled awkwardly, and his subordinates kept moving as before. He strictly followed the size, neither loose nor tight, and no one could point out any mistakes.

Most people's lives in this era are not easy, but Cheng Zhou doesn't have the kindness to give away fabrics for free. If you give this person an extra inch today, and give someone else a little more tomorrow, should he still do his job?

There must be many people staring at the work of a salesperson in a department store. He has to work hard and never lose this easy job.

Cheng Zhou sent the old grandma away with a smile, turned his head to look at Song Zhenzhu, and as expected, he received a look of admiration.

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