Chapter 9

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"So you want to tell me that you are our brother? How can that be and how old are you?", "Miss please calm down I will answer all you questions. First get dressed into the black dress we have somewhere to be", the young man informs me rather calming and charmingly. *He really has the nerve to try and charm me after hearing that we are related*.

" What?! No! I'm Not Going anywhere with you sir", I say admit and get up going to my small kitchen not very far from my room. "You don't really have a choice ma'am please", he begs me. " What do you mean I don't have a choice", "Ma'am did you not read the letters"," Yes I read them and they were shit...AND STOP!Calling me MA'AM!!!",I shout at my "brother" and he just stares at me shocked at my anger and I say rather calmly,"My name is Quinn", "Okay, I'll be waiting outside for you. Please just get into the dress and shoes I brought. Please do your hair too", he says in the calmest way,"I'll be waiting for you outside"

Still trying to figure out what I am doing I remember the letter constantly

Dear Que
I need you to know that I was not always a drunken
Man. My money that I have belongs to you and your siblings. You also have a brother Edgar Doscen.
I changed his name to protect him
my business is run by him but owned by you

My dad has never sent letters this intense that leaves so much mystery. I start getting dressed into the black dress and the golden heels. I start curling my hair with the curling iron and my dads words come to me again ~my business is run by him but owned by you~

*Does this mean I have a business?*
*What kind of business did he run?*
Finally I get done with my hair and decide to make myself look utterly irresistible. I put on earrings that matched the colour of my shoes, a necklace that reminded me of my friends.

I then grabbed my purse and was on my way. When I got outside Edgar was standing outside waiting next to the car and opened my door when I got there. He is such a gentle man. "You took your time", he remarks before closing my door and going over to his door. On the way Edgar explains to me where we are headed. He gave me the vaguest information ever. " We are going to an event that our organisation needs investors for and therefore since you own the place now, you are quiet important", is all he said. "Where is the place? How long will we have to be there? Am I going be talking to people?", I had all these question and my so called " brother didn't even want to answer one. He was rather flattered that I had so much questions,"Why did he choose me to run his business?",I ask my last question, Edgar jokingly says, "I have no idea because you nuts. You have a few screws loose", he laughs and takes his sun glasses out of the compartment area. "Sun glasses at night?", I ask question," Who's nuts now?", we both laugh at each other.

As soon as we reached the entrance of a place that I've never seen before. Someone comes and opens my door. I thank them and take in the beautiful building before me. "Shall we", Edgar offers his arm and I hold onto it while we wake into this beautiful glass building. " You don't say a word about business to anyone in here", he informs me rather harshly. "All you do is smile and ask whether they are enjoy the party", he let's me know. So I did that the whole night. While he disappeared with some men and sometimes women to discuss business.
I'm starting to think its something that isn't ethical.
As soon as I realise this I get my stuff and leave. When I heard,"Quinn, where are you going?", my brother follows me and I answer rather firmly," Home. And don't follow me. Stay here", I say without emotion and give the driver that I called, my close friend's address.


When I got to Brooks she was busy cooking and I told her everything about my father and who he claims he is and how I don't know how to feel about it. She was basically just there for me as a friend hearing me out. Somewhere throughout me explaining to her about my brother Edgar. She poured us glasses of wine and I just chugged it every time. She barely poured some for her. She probably only had one glass.
When I decided I needed to lay down and did so on the counter. I was just on there before her brother walked in and looked at me in a weird way. I didn't know what to do so I jumped off too fast and my head spun. I almost fell and he caught me. "Be careful there, Ma", he said to me and his voice sounded husky almost as if thou he had just woken up or was drunk. I starred at him and for the first time I realise that he has brown eyes and he smelt amazing. His deodorant smelt like he just came from the sea and I realise by the smell on his breathe that he probably is drunk. I jump out of his hands." I am always careful. You are the one that needs to be careful", I reassure him and immediately regret telling him to be careful. *Just keep quiet Quinn. You know that you and alcohol don't mix*. My subconscious reminds me.

"How long are you gonna be?", Brook interrupts us from being awkward. I don't remember what he said but I rather realised that I was bare feet and I couldn't see my shoes on the floor. *Where are my shoes?* As I looked on the counter there they were. *He is probably going to think I hand no manners whatsoever for actually putting my shoes on his kitchen table.

When I looked up he was gone. *Great. He was making it difficult to breathe*. *I wonder where he went?*,*Did he leave or just go to his room?*
*Stop thinking about Your Friend's Brother. You have Bigger Problems Regarding Family Matters*
"I think we need to check up on Josie tomorrow", Brooks says worryingly," Yes we definitely should",I say realising that I haven't spoken much after her brother left the room. Mainly because I had so much on my mind. I didn't know whether I should think about my dad, my sisters, my brother, the company that I own now, my friends brother, my friends mom and dad that disappeared and magically reappeared. I had a lot on my mind

Brook went about her business and I really needed to pee. "Hey where's your bathroom?", I ask while already walking out of the kitchen," Up stairs to your left ...",she became inaudible,"then you'll see straightforward ....",again I couldn't hear her,"Oh my word. Why do they have so many doors. They only two people". I just open a door and run in. When I get inside its a room but it has another door."Maybe this is her bathroom", I run in and rush to the toilet. As I was peeing I realise that the shower is on. *Okay maybe Brooks wanted to come shower and left the shower on*. Then the shower's water turned off. "Oh No", I whisper to myself knowing exactly where I am. In her brother's bathroom with him being in the shower. She's never going to forgive me for this.
" Hey, what are you doing in here?",he asks rather relaxed and he pokes out his head from the shower. *How does he look better with wet hair*. I look at him and just reply. I literally just replied and asked him a question on top of a question. "Coming up in here and deciding to shower whilst I'm peeing", yeah I shouldn't be talking to people after drinking. He doesn't say anything and just laughs at my rambling and goes about his shower. I get up very fast and go to wash my hand in the sink." Can you at least hand me a towel?", he asks so politely and he is so relaxed knowing that a girl is in the bathroom with him. I hand him the towel and make him promise not to tell his sister. Most probably the only sensible thing I said to him this afternoon. "I promise,I won't". As I was about to leave thus steamy bathroom. I just saw black and felt myself on the floor. Not long a body was hovering over me. " Hey, Wake up Ma!", his voice and I felt cold water sprinkled onto my face. I slightly opened my eyes and see a worried ... .*I don't know his name*.

I was about to get up but my head hurts tremendously. He reaches for a medicine cabinet and gives me so many pain killers. I take them anyway and realise that he is half naked hovering over me. *He looks so much better up close*,*Are you guys starring at each other now?*,*I think its getting warmer in here*. I get up as fast as possible again but this time I am able to stand.

I only now realise the tattoo he has over his shoulder leading to his chest. I follow the pattern on it with my eyes ,right above his torso. The tattoo doesn't stop there it seems as if though it goes around him.
I realise how his body tenses up under my star as if I can see through him.

With a smile I manage to say,"Nice tattoo" and after that a prolonged silence followed. *I wonder when he got that tattoo* it seemed like there was a story behind his tattoo.

When I left his room I stood at the door before going downstairs to my friend. She was busy cooking and I needed to go because I had a long night. After the encounter that I had with her brother I needed to get out of here.

"Brook I'm going home now", I inform my friend
"Why? So sudden?", she asks and I need to give her the best reason.

"I have an early shift tomorrow", I lie through my teeth.
"Okay", she assures me.


When I get to my dorm I throw myself onto the bed and just sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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