Chapter 7

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Ever since that day we followed that pebble to his house, Mikey has been...weird.

    He asked me to follow him whenever I can (which is everyday) and not to get caught by him. This is so stupid. Why would Mikey be interested in this low-life? What did he even see in him? He's so weak and naïve—he can't even fight for himself or kill a bug. (I swear babies are even stronger than him.)

    Sometimes he would walk this girl with a peached-color hair who I learned her name not long ago. Hinata Tachibana. They seem so close. Are they going out? If so, she's got some bad taste in men. How would he defend her if they got into trouble, huh? Useless beings.

    And now I'm following him to school with his four annoying friends which I think, are also weak as him. That black haired guy who keeps his hair slick behind—I think Makoto, was it?—I saw him masterbating in the corner of a building or some sort. He disgusts me. If I see him do that again, I swear I'll cut off his dick before I cut off his limbs.

    After seeing that pebble off to school, I went back to his place to "get" some stuffs for Mikey. Such as his favorite shirt. Don't ask me, but that Mikey is starting to creep me out. What would he do with that shirt anyway?

    His place is empty, it always has been. Where are his parents?

    I go to the living room to see a photo album on the table. Did he look at this before going to school? I didn't pay attention to it and went to his room. I opened the wardrobe and wondered why there are many girl clothes in here. Is this some kind of fetish of his? Is he a crossdresser? Is

    I clear my throat and rummage through his cabinet till I see an old box containing personal stuffs. I wanted to look at it, but didn't want to invade his privacy. (Well, look what I'm doing now. Isn't this invading his privacy?) I put the old box to where it originally was and something fell from it on the floor. I pick it up and see a boy who almost looks like him but with black hair and together with a woman besides him, hugging him and all smiley. They looked so happy and bright in this picture, probably because of the sunlight.

    I flipped the picture and saw a note written on its back.

    "My dear rosebud,

Mommy is terribly sorry for leaving you behind so suddenly. I know I've been coming home late due to work, and I know I'm not able to look after you because of it. But there is this man I met during work. He's so nice and gentle to me. I think he might be the one actually. After your father passed away, I... I didn't know what to do. I was at loss. I couldn't imagine him leaving me this quickly without saying any word to me. For me to move on, we moved houses. I know this is selfish of me, but that man reminded me of your father, and I want to get close to him. I'll returning to you in eight months. Take care, my rosebud boy.

Sincerely yours,

    This letter dated back a week ago, so that means she left just recently. To be honest, I feel quite sad about this. And kinda despise the mother for leaving that pebble. Selfish, my ass. You just wanted to leave him and never come back, right?

    I take some stuff and walk out of the house. I made sure I put the picture back to the box.


"Gah! This problem is so hard to understand!!"

    "It's just that you're not using your brain, you dipshit."

    "Heh. Don't worry, Makoto. Look, I already solved one question."

    "Eh. So cool! Wait, let me copy it."

    "Hm, I don't think that solution right there is right. Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

    "Huh? Oh! You're right! Thanks, Takuya!"

    While my friends were busy with our homework in math, I was struggling to solve item number 5 and 10. Then, a person came up to my mind, Chifuyu Matsuno. He's from class 2-D, a sophomore like me. I'm from class 2-C.

    I walk out of the classroom and go to Chifuyu-kun's (class) room. I knock on their door and one of his classmates answered and let me in.

    "Um, I'm looking for Chifuyu Matsuno," I say.

    "Ooh~ Chifu-boy's got a boyfriend," one of his classmates teased nudging his elbow.

    "Shut up, you dick." I hear Chifuyu-kun say that to his friend and slapped him on the head. He approach me and apologize for his so-called friend's behavior. I accepted his apology and asked for his help. And he quickly said yes, he said he could help me during lunch time. And I felt relieved and returned back to my classroom.

    I can finally finish this hell of a homework that irresponsible teacher assigned to us.

    Chifuyu-kun is really nice. I met him two days ago when I was at the rooftop eating alone since...well, Mom left. He comforted me and befriended me. Told me it was okay to call him by first name basis.

    I hope we could get closer more! I want to know him better and to finally call him my friend officially.

    Well, then! I'll wait till lunch!

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