Chapter 9

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I was in Emma's room, scanning her belongings. You might think that it's weird that I entered a girl's room without her permission and the fact that I'm looking through her personal stuffs. But I know Emma is hiding something from me and Mikey. She knows something about that "Takemitchy" guy that we don't.

    Emma is pacing back and forth; keeping an eye on me. "First: you barged into my room without my consent, and now you're looking through my stuffs." She takes the underwear that I was holding, "What do you and Mikey want?" Emma raises her voice at me.

    I just gave her the cold shoulder and continued with my search.

    I find some Polaroid pictures, in all of the pictures containing: Emma, some pinkish-orange chick, and... The boy! He looks so alive and—well he is alive—his cheeks are rosy-pink and his eyes are glowing in every picture. His smile is blinding. His dimples are cute. His well-shaped face. His perfect jawline. His pinkish lips. The corner of his eyes. His eyelashes. His hourglass body—wait, how can a guy be this pretty?

    Emma storms out of her room and yelled Shinichiro-kun's name. Oh, shit. In the name of Shinichiro-kun, I will murder that childish shit, Mikey, I think to myself. I get up; taking the photos with me, and walked out of the house avoiding getting hit by Emma.

    I go to Mikey's brother's (Shinichiro-kun) bike shop where I find him waiting for me. ("Him" = Mikey.) (And plus, we look suspicious. We look like drug dealers.)

    "Ken-chin! So what did you find?" Mikey says, getting all excited.

    I give to him the photos that I found in Emma's drawer. "Whoa! Way to go, Ken-chin! I knew you could pull this off." Mikey is now twirling like a princess; holding the pictures up his front, looking at it fondly. Like a maniac, I think.

    I massage my forehead, done with his behavior. "Let's go, Mikey."

    "Where to?" He looks at me strange.

    "School." Right after I said school, he ran off somewhere. "God... Damn it, Mikey! Where are you?"


    "Hey, hey. Ken-chin. What do you say, we go to Takemitchy's school and snuggle him," Mikey says to me, plotting again.

    "Look, I think stalking him is wrong, but kidnapping him from school is just way to far, Mikey," I say back, snapping him back to himself.

    "Hrmphh," Mikey kicks a rock and sits on a bench. Resting his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands.

    I sigh at his actions and reconsider his plan. I go near him and take my seat. "Fine. But don't cause a scene, okay?" I look at him as Mikey grins at this and stands, and starts to march.

    He then turns to me and chuckles, "So, uh, where's his school again?" He scratches his right cheek, and I just sigh and stand up to lead him the way. And don't you dare ask me how I know where Takemitchy's school is located, ask Akashi about that not me.


Chifuyu-kun's house is well-decorated.

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