The Tree Of Portals

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Scarlett POV

Once I came out of the infirmary, I realised that everyone had already left. I had to admit that it hurt, that no one waited for me. But I understand why they left, especially Bloom and Phoenix.

I decided to pay Ms Faragonda a visit. To tell her that I forgave her. I also needed to ask her some questions about the Ancestral Witches. It never hurts to be prepared.

"Hi Ms Faragonda." I say softly, entering her office.

"Where is Hagen?" I ask, seeing as they haven't been apart since he was bought back here. As I mentioned his name her entire demeanour changed, her shoulders dropped and eyes studied the floor.

"He just... needed some time by himself." She sighed. She must've told him her suspicions about Phoenix and I. It probably hit him hard, knowing that his best friend's children were right under his nose.

"You told him?" I ask for confirmation. She only nods in response.

"How are you going?" She asks me gently, she saw Phoenix leave with the others.

"I'm fine." I say, not giving anything away about what happened between Phoenix and I.

"I'm not mad at you." I tell her gently, trying to ease some of her guilt. She looks up in shock.

"You not?" She questions me, she was fully expecting me to blow up at her.

"No. I understand why you did it." I told her. I am still hiding things from my friends, from Bloom, from Phoenix. She sits down on the couch and motions for me to join her.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you go with the others." She questions me.

"I have some questions for you." I completely ignore her last questions, lucky for me she doesn't push for an answer.

"Can a cursed object transfer the curse to a person when touched?" I ask, causing her to look at me weirdly. She is probably wondering why I would ask such a specific question.

"It depends on how strong the curse is. In most cases it would transfer to the person and the object would remain cursed." She informs me. It makes sense to me.

"Can you curse someone's power?" I ask. I know Bloom's sister, Daphne, is cursed. But that was the entire power of Sirenix, not just Daphne personally. Ms Faragonda is now looking concerned, but she doesn't question it.

"It would be very powerful magic. Also very precise magic. It would be very difficult to accomplish." Ms Faragonda tells me. The Ancestral witches are extremely powerful in dark magic. One of the witches has similar powers to me, so there is the precise part.

"What can you tell me about major magical injuries?" I ask her. This time she can't hold back her questions.

"Why are you asking me these things?" She asks me, suspicion clear in her voice.

"It doesn't hurt to be prepared." I say with a smile, hoping to convince her. Not my best work, but it did its job.

"It depends on the power and type of spell used. Also where it hits. It hits the person in the head it could be bad, if it hits the person in the heart that could be catastrophic. I have never had to deal with a magical injury to that extent, I'm definitely not an expert." I could feel myself pale slightly as she spoke. The cursed ice hit me directly in the chest. It would explain why I have been feeling pain. Did it curse my ice powers? Did it curse me? I must've been lost in my thoughts for a while because when Ms Faragonda placed her hand on my shoulder, I jumped.

"Are you alright Scarlett?" She asks me, concern written all over her face. I debated with myself whether to spill all my secrets to her, or hope she forgets about it. The last option didn't seem so likely.

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