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Here's the prologue. :) I didn't want to keep you guys hanging while I finish the super duper long "Voyage of the Damned" for "Apocalypse Rising" - I seriously need to write more of Jack and Calypsie Harkness in the same episode, they're hilarious to write together - so here you go!


King Charles burst into a room in the palace to see a nervous young woman backing slightly away from a portrait . . . of the Doctor as Neptune, ready to be crowned, including very little clothing on. He growled and turned to her. "Where's the Doctor?" he asked.

"Doctor who?" she asked nervously.

A sneeze came from under her skirt, and Charles scowled, using the tip of his sword to lift her skirts up. The Doctor poked his head out, obviously naked. "You know, this isn't nearly as bad as it looks," he smiled sheepishly.

A sword hilt hit the back of Charles's head, and he slumped. Jessie stood behind him, one of her swords in her hand, the other keeping a robe around her closed. "It is as bad as it looks," she glared at him.

"Yeah, it is," he admitted.


"At the personal intervention of the King, the unnamed Doctor was incarcerated without trial in the Tower of London," Amy Pond read from a history book, Jemma Simmons poking through another one as Leo Fitz helped Rory Williams with groceries.

"OK, but it doesn't have to be him," Rory began.

Amy held up a finger. "According to contemporary accounts, two nights later, the goddess known as the Bad Wolf appeared to carry the Doctor away. Many believe them to be husband and wife."

Rory sighed. "OK. It's them."

"And then there's this," Jemma smirked.


"Bad Wolf? Bad Wolf, what can you see?"

Jessie poked her head back through the tunnel to see the Doctor and the rest of the World War II unit still there. "The commandant's office is green with a big flag, yeah?"

She cringed, hearing sirens sound. "I think the answer's probably yes," the Doctor nodded.


"Are they being deliberately ridiculous?" Fitz asked. "Because it sounds like they're trying to get our attention. "And really, Jemma? This again?"

"What?" Jemma protested as a Laurel and Hardy film played. "I've explained all the jokes!"

The doorbell rang, and Amy went to answer it. "So, anyway, do you think they're trying to wave to us out of history books?" Fitz asked, but trailed off when in the film, the Doctor waved a fez at them eagerly, Jessie rolling her eyes before pulling him into a dance.

"Yes," Jemma sniggered. "Yes, they are."

"It's the sort of thing they'd do," Amy nodded. "Thanks," she told the postman.

"Yeah, but why?" Rory asked.

"Well, they said they'd be in touch."

"Two months ago."

"They contacted SHIELD," Jemma recalled. "Loki's scepter got stolen."

"They're up to something," Fitz guessed.

Amy paused, frowning. "There's an envelope here for you two."

"What?" Jemma frowned, taking the other one.

They were both blue envelopes, and while Amy's had a number 3 on the back, FitzSimmons's had a 4. "What are they?" Rory asked as they opened them. "Amy? Simmy?"

The two compared postcards. "Date, time, map reference," Jemma nodded. "They're invitations."

"From who?" Rory asked.

Fitz held up the envelopes. "TARDIS blue," he pointed out.


Later, the four of them jumped off of the bus that deposited them at the edge of the highway. "Thanks!" Fitz waved.

"You're very welcome," the driver answered.

"This is it, yeah?" Amy asked, shielding her eyes and looking around. "The right place?"

"Nowhere, middle of?" a familiar voice asked, and Saleen Harper walked up, holding up an envelope with the number 5 on the back, Melinda May and Phil Coulson behind her. "Yeah, this is definitely it."

"You got one, too?" Jemma asked.

"Mmm," Saleen nodded. "TARDIS blue - "

"Howdy!" another familiar voice called.

The group of seven spun to see Jessie lounging on the hood of a red car, her skirt replaced by riding pants, her pirate boots now cowboy boots, a tan Stetson on her head, and a brown poncho with tassels replacing her frock coat. "Bad Wolf!" Amy cheered, running to hug her.

"There we are!" Jessie laughed, hugging her tightly. "You're all here!"

"Hey!" Saleen laughed.

"So, someone's been busy," Jemma folded her arms as Jessie hugged Rory.

"It was all the Doctor's idea," Jessie smirked. "You saw us, then?"

"How could we not?" Fitz asked.

"Stalkers," Jessie snorted.

"Super spy," Amy countered.

"Husband," Rory raised a hand.

"Companion," Jessie corrected, giving him another hug. "Rory the Roman. Aren't you good?"

"Nice hat," Coulson complimented.

"Thanks," Jessie smirked. "I like Stetsons. Aren't they cool?"


Said Stetson was shot off of Jessie's head, and Saleen, May, and Coulson drew their guns. Jessie just laughed. "Nice shot!"

River Song smirked and blew off the muzzle of her gun. "Thank you, sissy," she winked.

"Sissy?" May blinked.

Jessie grinned. "You guys really have missed a lot, haven't you?"


What Jessie said in the beginning had to be said. They're innuendo masters. Had to be done.

Well, anyway, there's Jessie, with no Doctor with her. And I'll ask this right now, where do you think he is?

Give me your thoughts on what's going to happen in this book. Anything at all in Season 6, tell me what you think is - or should - happen. Who knows? If you give me a valid reason to do something, I might just do it. ;)

Except change Jessie being the only one on the lake. That's staying for good.

Living In Time And Space (Book Six of The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now