The Impossible Astronaut

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So apparently I did have time to write this out. Hopefully, it won't take long to get "Day of the Moon" up as well.

Anyway, we get invited to a picnic, River knows a bit about our Time Lords' secret lives, and who gets taken by the Silence? The answer there: no one. }:) Screenshot up above!

Enjoy "The Impossible Astronaut!"


"Right, then," River said, flipping through her diary as Jessie sipped at a chocolate brownie shake. "Where are we? Have we done Easter Island yet?"

"Er . . . yes," Jessie nodded. "We've done Easter Island."

"They worshipped the two of you there," River smirked. "Have you seen the statues?"

"They exaggerated how long my hair is," Jessie made a face. "How about Jim the fish?"

"Oh, Jim the fish!" River grinned. "How is he?"

"Still building his dam," Jessie rolled her eyes fondly. "God bless him."

"Sorry, what are you two doing?" Rory asked as they sat down.

"They're both time travelers, so they never meet in the right order," Amy explained. "They're syncing timelines. So, what's happening, then?" she asked Jessie. "Because you've been up to something."

Jessie stayed silent for a few moments, then said slowly, as if trying to figure out what was correct to say, "I've been running, faster than I've ever run, ever since I met the Doctor. You know better than anyone," she added to Saleen, who nodded. "I've been running my whole life. Now, I think it's time for me to stop. And tonight, I'm going to need all of you with me."

"OK," Amy nodded simply, not seeing FitzSimmons look at each other worriedly. Something about that didn't sit right . . . and where was the Doctor? "We're here. What's up?"

"A picnic, and then a trip," she smiled. "Somewhere different, somewhere brand new."

"OK, I'll bite," Coulson leaned forward. "Where?"

Jessie smirked. "Space, 1969."


"Salud!" Jessie toasted, raising her wine glass.

"Salud!" they all echoed.

"So, when are we going to 1969?" Rory asked as they took drinks.

"And since when do you drink wine?" Amy asked, never recalling her drinking before.

"Amy, I'm two hundred and twenty three," Jessie told her, taking a small sip. "I've drunk before – " Her eyes widened, and she quickly spat out her drink behind her. "But I've never enjoyed it. Oh, it never stops being horrid," she grumbled.

"Two hundred and twenty three?" May echoed with a frown. "You were twenty eight last we knew."

"Yes, and Amy's put on a couple of pounds," Jessie rolled her eyes, ignoring the girl squeak indignantly. "I wasn't going to mention it."

Amy raised her eyes to the skyline and frowned when she saw a shady silhouette standing there. "Who's that?" she asked.

"Hmm?" Rory asked, turning to look.

"Who's who?" Fitz agreed, checking.

Amy turned back and blinked. "Sorry, what?"

"What did you see?" Jemma asked, frowning. "You said you saw something."

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