When It All Falls Apart

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*cautiously looks out of underground nuke proof bunker* I'm just gonna stay low for this one.

Interlude into the finale right here, and it's full of feels. You have been warned.


"And of course, Jack is going on continuously about how it all wasn't his fault," Jemma was laughing as she shared a story about the first Doctor she'd ever met.

"And none of you believed him for a second, I bet," Rory snorted as Amy giggled. While they were settling into their new home, Martha had called and invited them over to the complex to talk about what had happened since they had been dropped off.

"If anyone believes a word Captain Jack Harkness says he's done before he met the Doctor and the Bad Wolf, I'm turning in my license," Martha shook her head, grinning as they walked down the hall towards the mess hall, Saleen giggling in agreement.

"That was Jack, back then," Fitz shrugged. "I imagine after Torchwood, he's found less reasons to . . . tell . . . " He brightened when a familiar wheezing echoed in a storage closet nearby. "Oh, my God!"

Amy grinned and ran over, opening the door to the closet to see a startled Doctor and Bad Wolf standing there. "What made you decide to stop by?"

"Jez's idea, actually," the Doctor grinned. This was brilliant! If he and Saleen couldn't convince Jessie by themselves, the Ponds and FitzSimmons would surely be enough to convince her. "Brilliant to see you all!"

"Fantastic," Jessie nodded, slightly put off to see them. That just made this much harder. Martha was there, too. That just made it even better.

"We were getting snacks at the mess," Martha smiled. "You two want to join?"

"Sure," the Doctor nodded, grabbing Jessie's wrist before she could argue. "Geronimo!"

Left with no choice, Jessie followed after them all, Amy and Rory thanking them continuously for getting them their house, and Jessie managed to pull out her phone and send a text to Wanda.

We're here and going to the mess hall. Be ready at a moment's notice.

This was not going to be fun.


"When will those Cybermen just leave us alone?" Saleen scowled as she stabbed her fork into a piece of melon.

"When the Daleks decide we're not their number one enemies," Jessie said dryly, smiling tensely as she tilted her head back and finished her glass of water.

Amy frowned, looking at her. That was the third glass she'd had in under twenty minutes. "Are you feeling all right?" she asked.

"Fine," Jessie frowned, a look of confusion on her face. "Why?"

"You never drink that much," Amy nodded to her glass.

"I'm just thirsty, I suppose," she shrugged. "The Doctor and I spent most of the last few hours cleaning up Craig's house."

The Doctor looked right at Saleen before he said his next words. "Nice hat he gave you, by the way."

"I like it a lot," Jessie nodded, not seeming to realize where he was going. Saleen, meanwhile, just frowned.

"Something new to add to the list of coolness," the Doctor nodded, still looking at Saleen. "Stetsons."

The blood drained from Saleen's face when she realized just what the Doctor was getting at. "You think everything is cool," Jessie chuckled, shaking her head and standing to get another drink. In a flash, the Doctor's hand came down on her hand and wrist, locking her in place to the table. Jessie gawked at his speed, looking at him, stunned. "Doctor - ?"

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