The God Complex

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9,383 words. Not bad.

So, not much happened since the huge crossover. They just dropped off the Maximoffs and picked up the others.

So, what's in the Time Lords' rooms? And who does the Minotaur want from the TARDIS group? Oh . . . *runs to check on nuke proof underground bunker* OK, it's there. I know for a fact I'm going to need it.

Here's "The God Complex!"


"Let's go to Ravan-Skala, he says," Amy groaned as they stepped out of the TARDIS onto a hotel landing. "The people are six hundred feet tall. You have to talk to them in hot air balloons and Tourist Information Center is made of one of their hats, he says. I'm sorry, but I don't see any hats."

"Amy, Beaky, FitzSimmons, this could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen," the Doctor's eyes lit up.

"You're kidding," Fitz stared at him.

"How can you be excited about a rubbish hotel on a rubbish bit of Earth?" Amy snorted.

"Because it's not Earth," Jessie smirked as they walked down the stairs into a reception area. "It's just made to look like Earth."

"What?" Jemma gawked, looking around. "Then where are we?"

"I don't know," the Doctor shook his head. "Something must have yanked us off course."

"They've got the details down, though," Jessie inspected a plant nearby. "This cheese plant is nearly perfect."

"Cheese plant?" Jemma blinked.

"Who would mock up an Earth hotel?" Fitz asked.

"Colonists, maybe, recreating a bit of home, like when ex-pats open English pubs in Majorca?" the Doctor thought out loud, tossing an apple up and down in his hand. "No, whoever did this, I am shaking his stroke her hand stroke tentacle."

"And then there's these," Jessie looked at the photographs on the wall, frowning. "And the labels underneath . . . "

"Commander Halke, defeat," Rory read. "Tim Heath, having his photo taken. Lady Silver-Tear, Daleks."

"Paige Barnes, other people's socks," Amy wrinkled her nose, reading as well. "Tim Nelson, balloons. Novice Prin, saberwolves. Royston Luke Gold, Plymouth?"

"Lucy Hayward, that brutal gorilla," Jessie did a double take at the last one.

"Doctor, what does it mean?" Amy asked.

"I don't know," the Doctor walked up to the desk. "Let's find out."

He rang the bell on the desk, and from around the corner, three beings arrived, two of them brandishing everyday objects like they were weapons. The last, the only alien, was saving what appeared to be a white flag. "Whoa!" Rory backed up as Jemma held up her hands.

"Blimey, that was a bit quick," the Doctor blinked.

"We surrender!" the alien announced. "We surrender!"

"No, it's OK," Rory held up his hands. "We're not - we're nice!"

"She's threatening me with a chair leg!" the Doctor backed away from the girl in hospital scrubs.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Oh, God, we're back in reception," a teenage boy with spectacles sighed, looking around.

"We surrender!" the alien repeated.

"I've never been threatened with a chair leg before," the Doctor looked at the girl again.

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