The Rebel Flesh

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Man, you guys really couldn't wait for me to post this, could you? :P

So . . . how do Fitz and Simmons react to the Gangers? How does Jessie react? And perhaps most importantly . . . what does the Doctor know and suspect about the Flesh?

Enjoy "The Rebel Flesh!"



"God!" Amy gawked as Jessie scored yet another bullseye in darts. "How do you do that?!"

"SHIELD," the Time Lady smiled, stepping away from the line to allow Rory to fire. It was the first time Amy had seen her in such little clothing. All Jessie was wearing was the black camisole tank top she wore under her off white shirt, the leggings, and her pirate boots. When Amy had talked with Rory earlier, she'd been told that the Doctor wasn't in much better shape than Jessie was. He hadn't been getting sick, but he'd been getting the same migraines Jessie had, if not worse, and he'd been running high fevers. If the Doctor was running temperatures, then Jessie had to be burning, hence why she looked like she was wearing a combat leotard and not a pirate costume.

Amy was brought back when Rory attempted to hit the board. She snorted at his attempt. "Forty six. Rubbishy rubbishy rubbish."

"Hello?" Rory huffed. "It's a double top!"

"That's the wrong side of the board, Rory!" Jemma called from where she was by the console.

"You're on the oche, Red!" Rory countered to Amy.

The Doctor turned away from the faulty pregnancy scan of Amy and winced at the sudden motion. The migraines were never going away, but at least he was so used to the pain, he was able to ignore them now . . . at least when he wasn't moving so quickly. Which was next to never, in his case. "Who wants fish and chips?" he offered. Rory raised his hand as Fitz went next to throw the darts. "I'll drop you all off. Take your time. Don't rush."

"Er, and you?" Rory asked.

"Things to do," the Doctor shrugged. "Things involving . . . other things."

"Well, we'll stay with you," Amy frowned. "We'll do the other things."

"Nope!" the Doctor said quickly, turning back to the console.

"Whatever you're up to, I'd personally like to be a part of it," Amy walked up to him, her arms folded. She paused when the Doctor gave her a guilty look. "What?"

An alarm went off, and the TARDIS suddenly shook and jerked everywhere. "Solar tsunami!" the Doctor explained, looking at the monitor, and Jessie, Rory, and Fitz ran to join them as Jemma was thrown into the staircase. "Came directly from your sun. A tidal wave of radiation. Big, big, big."

"Stomach going funny," Fitz grunted, doubling over.

"Well, the gyrator disconnected," the Doctor shrugged. "Target tracking is out. Assume the position!"

The humans immediately dropped to a sitting position, their heads between their knees, as the Doctor and Jessie attempted to handle the TARDIS. Eventually, the shaking stopped, and everything went still. "Textbook landing," the Doctor smiled, brushing his hands off.

"I thought you threw the textbook into a supernova?" Jessie asked, reaching past her frock coat for a windbreaker jacket of the same color, buckling her sonic blaster holster around her waist.

"That was the manual," the Doctor answered, heading out the door. He looked around and grinned. "Behold, a cockerel!" he threw his arms out. "Love a cockerel."

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