The Curse of the Black Spot

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Before we begin, a few important things.

1: PLEASE read the interludes!! Several important plot details have - and will! - be during the interludes. Some are even more important than the episodes themselves! Ask anyone who reads these books - sometimes the best parts are the interludes.

2: Tell me if adding FitzSimmons seems a bit forced in here. How do they fit in? Do they fit in well enough? What can I do to make them better? I live off of feedback, so don't hesitate to chew me out.

Finally . . . ENJOY! :D I know you lot have waited forever, so . . . 

Here's "The Curse of the Black Spot!"


Jemma was the first one out of the TARDIS, and immediately, she stumbled. "Are we on a boat?" she asked, looking around the wood cabin.

"Wouldn't surprise me," Jessie shrugged as she came out with Rory, the Doctor, Fitz, and Amy following. "We set the TARDIS for random."

"No door, either," Fitz pointed out.

"Well, then we do this!" the Doctor grinned, hurrying to a hatch.

"Doctor!" Jessie hissed, running after him, the humans behind her.

The Doctor started thumping on the hatch, and just before Jessie could stop him, the hatch opened, and a whole bunch of pirates looked down at them. The Doctor grinned at them all. "Yo ho ho!" he greeted before pausing when he saw their grim looks. "Or does nobody actually say that?"

Jemma sighed and closed her eyes. "He never changes."


"We made no signal," the captain said as he looked over the six that now stood in his cabin, examining them all closely. Three men, three women, none of them truly dressed for the sea . . . except for the girl standing closest to the man that appeared to be the leader. Of them all, she was the most pirate like, wearing a baggy off white shirt, bright pink skirt and belt, and black boots, wearing a mauve frock coat.

"Our sensors picked you up," the Doctor nodded. "Ship in distress."


The Doctor winced when Jessie headslapped him. "Yes, OK, problem word. Seventeenth century. My ship automatically . . . er . . . noticed-ish, that your ship was having some bother."

"That big blue crate?" he asked.

"That is more magic, Captain Avery," one of the other pirates said. "They're spirits. How else would they have found their way below decks?"

"If you say multidimensional engineering, I'm going to kill you," Jessie warned the Doctor.

He gulped and nodded. "Look, I'm the Doctor, this is the Bad Wolf, and that's Amy, Rory, Jemma, and Fitz. We're sailors, same as you - " He jerked back when Avery aimed his revolver at them. "Ooo, ar . . . except for the gun thing. And the beardiness."

"Don't do that, either," Jessie added.

"You're stowaways," Avery decided. "Only explanation. Eight days, we've been stranded here, becalmed. You must have stowed away before we sailed."

"Now, what do we do with 'em?" the pirate asked.

Avery grinned. "Oh, I think they deserve our hospitality."


"Every bloody time," Jessie sighed as she, Amy, and Jemma were pushed to the side, the Doctor on the edge of the plank, Rory and Fitz lined up to go after him.

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