The Time Lords, the Widow, and the Wardrobe

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I think this is one of those few episodes where everyone in the original episode actually lives! Huzzah! :D

Anyway . . . Jessie leaves the Doctor to his own devices, Madge makes a wish, the Time Lords each get their own mini companion, and the Doctor really should be able to see a few things coming. ;)

Enjoy "The Time Lords, the Widow, and the Wardrobe!"


"People of Earth, you stand alone - "

The Doctor released the button he was holding, and the spaceship started exploding around him. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

He took off running down a corridor, narrowly dodging debris flying past his head, phasing through the occasional large hunk he couldn't avoid. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and quickly sonicked his way into the spacesuit storage, but ducked when an explosion blew up half the room. He grabbed onto the end of a frayed cable, then reached for the last spacesuit. "Ah! Come here, spacesuit! Come to Doctor!"

Another explosion blew up nearby, and the Doctor let go of his end of the cable. However, as he went spinning into space, he floated his way towards the spacesuit, grabbing onto it just before he hit the atmosphere. "Got it!"


Jessie watched the Doctor's life signature on the TARDIS screen, then guffawed and shook her head. "He's getting himself out of this one," she giggled, patting the time rotor.


The Doctor groaned as he crashed into the ground, closing his eyes, feeling if he had broken anything. "Hello?" a woman's voice called. She sounded nearby, at least. "Hello? Hello? Are you all right?"

"Ow," the Doctor summed up how he was feeling.

"Are you hurt? Did you fall? Where did you fall from?"

"Helmet," the Doctor said.

"All right," the woman sounded like she came closer. "Just let me . . . I don't want to hurt you." He heard the thunk of visors being lifted. "Oh."

The Doctor opened his eyes, but panicked when he didn't see anything. "I can't see! I'm blind!"

"Oh, no, love, no," the woman laughed. "I think you've just got your helmet on backwards. How did you manage that?"

The Doctor paused, hearing Jessie's hysterical laughter telepathically. "I got dressed in a hurry," he said as his excuse.


The Doctor winced when he felt the woman's car stop suddenly. "Ow! Did we just bump into something?"

"No, no," she answered quickly.

"We seemed to bump into quite a lot of things."

"Well, a lot of things get in the way. It's hardly my fault. You need to take that silly thing off."

"Can't," the Doctor shook his head. "Impact suit. It's still repairing me."

"Repairing you?" the woman asked as she helped him out of the car.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's the idea."

"Won't it repair you all back to front?"

"No, no."

"Well, that's good." The Doctor winced when he bumped into something else. "Oh! That's a street lamp."

"Yes, I got that impression."

"Round this way. Don't you want me to take you to hospital or something? You're welcome to come to our house."

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I just need to find the, er . . . the key. More than likely Jez is letting me suffer through this alone . . . "

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