CH 9

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"So do you have any ideas where one of those could be?" Shade asked, helping guide me through the darkness.

"Well, last time I got a flashlight I was in the storage room. So let's check there first." I responded, hearing a sound of acknowledgment from them as we started navigating the darkness. "So are blackouts normal around here?"

"Nope!" Pom quickly said. "Which is great because the darkness is scary," they said quietly.

"Yeah, plus, when they happen we tend to go hide somewhere. Unless the Jammers decide to throw a party, then we all go to that." Shade happily added. "Careful, there are some stairs right here." We slowly went down the stairs, then quickly made a few turns and stopped at what I assumed was the storage room. "You see your light stick in there?"

"Dude, I can't see anything," I started to run my hands across the wall in an attempt to find it.

"Whoops, my bad. Kinda forgot," they said, slightly embarrassed.

"All good. Hey, I think I found it!" I grabbed what felt like a flashlight, feeling around for the switch. Finding it and flipping it. Not realizing that I had the operating end pointed directly at my eyes, causing blinding light to desecrate my vision as I let out a yelp.

"You alright friend, what happened? I wasn't looki-"

I couldn't respond to Pom, I just groaned and rubbed my eyes in pain. I felt like my brain just got a factory reset. It took a moment or two until I returned to my senses.

'Wait, do I hear struggling?'

Turning on the flashlight and illuminating the room, I was shocked to see Pom on the ground struggling to hold off a large bipedal black cat with glowing yellow eyes. Looking around, I quickly reached for a pipe sitting on a nearby crate before running and swinging as hard as I could at the cat, hitting them directly on the head and causing them to fall over. I looked over to Pom and helped them up.

"Thank you, friend! Look out!" I felt something slash my leg, sending me to my knees. Some tears came to my eyes as I jumped up and blindly swung, hearing the metal pipe ring out as it made contact. Backing up and leaning against the wall, I pointed my flashlight toward glowing red eyes. Sweat ran down my head as I saw the cat, and it looked MAD. Its fur was standing up and it was baring its razor-sharp teeth, its huge claws dripping with blood.

Struggling to stand, I shifted my weight to my uninjured leg and held the pipe up. They dashed at me with their claws out, their glowing eyes leaving red trails as they rapidly approached. I swung at them with the pipe; missing as they ducked under the swing before grabbing me by the neck and effortlessly lifting me up. They reeled back their arms before brutally slamming me into the wall. Dazed, I felt my flashlight fall to the ground, barely illuminating the gootraxian that held me captive. I saw their red eyes glaring into my soul, I could barely see them readying their claws as they brought them back and swung at me. Panicking, I put my arms out in an attempt to stop it and closed my eyes in fear. As its claws skimmed my clothing I heard a thump and I crashed to the ground.

Opening them again, I saw it on the ground struggling to get back up as Shade, with a few scratches on them, was cracking their... paw knuckles? They and Pom quickly came over to me and slowly helped me up.

"Panthers. There are bound to be more, we gotta go buddy. I was told just now that the humans set up camp in the cafeteria. I will take you there." I started limping towards the door, my heart still racing. I looked around the outside of the storage closet and saw multiple other "panthers" on the ground knocked out. There also seemed to be a bunch of white, see-through pups standing on top of them, their tails wagged absentmindedly as they sniffed the unconscious goos. But before I could ask, I felt two furry paws grab and lift me.

"Hold up, hold up. I can walk!" I protested.

"No can do. You can limp, not walk."

"But I-" I was silenced as I felt my face get pressed into a bunch of fur as they held onto me tightly.

"You need to be quiet, or more panthers will hear you." They began running, their paws causing a pitter-pattering rhythm against the ground. I could feel them making turns through the darkness.

They eventually slowed to a stop before whispering, "Alright buddy, you can talk now." I felt Shade gently place me down and ruffle my hair as I quietly spat out more goo fur. "Again?" they questioned.

"My mouth was open when you did that." They responded with a sorry.

"It was great spending some time with you, friend." I received a sudden hug from Pom, which I promptly returned.

"So the cafeteria is right around the corner, just say that you got away from a Panther and nothing else. They will have stuff for your wounds."

"Wait, can't I tell them about you both?"

"They would call you crazy if you said you could talk to us, maybe even worse." I gave a questioning look. "Don't worry, you are covered in scratches and are bleeding. You'll fit right in." They gave me a fist bump and they both walked away.

"Thanks!" I quietly whispered as they left into the darkness.

Peeking around the corner and through the open door, I saw some light coming from down the hall and slowly limped in. The adrenaline in my body had gone down a bit and I could feel my leg starting to sting. But when I came around the corner, there were a bunch of other scientists who welcomed me and everything. They even had marshmallows!

Sike! I actually ended up seeing what I perceived to be a wooden bat rapidly approaching my face. I then saw a flash of white and realized I was lying stunned on my back. I could only groan in pain as my vision began to fade to black.

"Did you get 'em?" I heard a voice say. Followed by a distressed one.

"Uhhh, guys. I don't think that was a gootraxian!"


Well hello all! Sorry about the late chapter, as it seems an entire month has passed since the last! But anywho, I wanted to mention that I went through the previous chapters and tweaked em a bit. Nothing too major though, but I did somehow find a way to make the prologue even shorter (cuz I could). But ye, I will prolly drop the next one on Wednesday, or three in the morning on Thursday (Who knows!). 

Kaiju Paradise: Changing Perspective (Yes, I am indeed rewriting it.)Where stories live. Discover now