unmasking the beauty and claiming the prize

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Wei Ying woke in bed not remembering how she got there but what had her jump up was Wen Qing staring daggers at her.

What in fucks name do you think you were doing Wei Hu Die (butterfly) Ying

That is not my courtesy, never will be nor do I want one and which part, that I snuck out or played on the roof tops grinned Wei Ying as she got up and went behind the screen to clean up.

You... you snuck OUT!

I had Xue Yang with me I was safe, and I needed emperor's smile.... I promised said Wei Ying

On the first night A-Ying you could've gotten caught, you could've been killed said Wen Qing

I was safe, I saw them before they saw me and Xue Yang knocked them out before anyone noticed and if such a thing happens do you really think either Suibian, ChenQing or zhǎn shǒu would allow it and if anything happened to A-Yang do you think I would allow them to still be breathing? What is this really about A-Qing? Asked Wei Ying as she came out and poured them tea.

Last night you fell into a deep sleep last night and one of the Lan's saw you and tried to wake you, but Bai Chie went crazy and attacked he just defended himself. Explained Wen Qing

Bai Chie, where is she demanded Wei Ying coming from the screen and grabbed her outer robes 

You are missing the... Wei Ying... Wei Yi... damn that girl and her priorities growled Wen Qing and made to follow.

Wei Ying ran all over calling for her cat fearing the worst she began hyperventilating until she remembered Bai Chie loved being around soft and cuddly animals. Wei Ying quickly changed direction and ran to the only place she knew that had soft and cuddly animals.

When reaching the small yard outside the Jingshi Wei Ying entered and her cat jumped off Lan Wangji Lap and into Wei Ying's arms. Wei Ying quickly checked Bai Chie over before bursting in tears extremely happy that her companion and friend was alright.

There you are would you let me finish next time before assuming the worst scolded Wen Qing

Lan Wangji gave Wen Qing a look before getting up and helping Wei Ying into the Jingshi, then getting a bowl of water and a cloth before stepping out again and closing the door.

Look at you, said Wen Qing removing the mask and wiping Wei Ying face, just look at you! crying and you still look beautiful, unfair I say, said Wen Qing making Wei Ying giggle.

Now as I was saying, Bai Chie is fine I first checked on her before I checked on the idiot disciple explained Wen Qing as she placed the mask back on and allowed Lan Wangji back inside.

Lan Zhan I am sorry, I have caused you problems said Wei Ying as she looked down

Wei Ying is fine said Lan Wangji

A-Qing, Bai Chie would not attack without warning, and everyone was warned not to get close to her as she doesn't not like people, uncle even told them she was a spiritual cat so who was stupid enough to come near me while I was sleeping and how did I fall asleep so deeply and quickly asked Wei Ying

We all know your monster only likes three people and myself partly, as for you falling asleep someone knew about the tree they placed a talisman to make you fall into a deep sleep, Madam Lan found the both of you and saw Bai Chie with blood on her paws that is the only reason the disciple stepped forward, master Qiren and ZeWu-Jun is analyzing the talisman as we speak as for the disciple...

Su She said Lan Zhan

Who is that asked Wei Ying

The one who hurt you said Lan Zhan

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