Author's Note: This story is almost over, and I can't believe it. It's been such a wild, enjoyable ride. ^-^ There are three chapters left after this one. :')
~ Amina Gila
With Obi-Wan flanking him on the right, and Padme and Ahsoka on the left, Anakin feels stronger than he has in a while. He feels less alone than he has in a long time. He cares for Lyla, of course, and for the friends and family he is creating here, but it's... different. Obi-Wan has always been the most important person to him, and he wishes that he hadn't managed to disregard that. Ahsoka was his Padawan, his child. And Padme was his wife. They're important to him in a way that none of the people here are.
That will change, in time, when his bond with Lyla deepens, but for now... Well, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are still more important to him.
He waits, keeping his senses attuned, and it's not long before he feels the Jedi approaching. There are more of them, though Windu is among them. The sound of their footsteps echoes in the hall outside the throne room. Windu steps into the doorway first, and Anakin watches him, not moving, as he takes in the scene. He isn't afraid. There are only four Jedi here, and they are not nearly strong enough to overcome him, especially not with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka here as well. If all three of them are together, the fight would be child's play indeed.
"Surrender, Sith," Windu orders, drawing his purple lightsaber.
Anakin watches him, unconcerned, merely raising an eyebrow, not changing his casual posture. "Have care how you speak to me, Jedi," he warns. "You are in my land. These are my people. You are not protected here. If you do not come in peace, you are not welcome. Leave. I have done nothing to provoke you. I have done what your Order could not. I have saved these people and destroyed the Hutt tyranny on this world."
"The Jedi Council will decide your fate," Windu states decisively, walking down the steps and onto the stone floor. Aayla is following him, as are Agen Kolar and Kit Fisto, though they all appear more hesitant than Windu does, Aayla especially.
"Why waste your time with me, when we all have a greater enemy?" he asks mildly. "Sidious will destroy you if you give him reason. We have a common goal. We both want him dead."
"You want him dead so you can take his place," Windu proclaims firmly.
Anakin can't help but laugh at that. "I never wanted to be Emperor," he answers, shaking his head. "I wanted peace. I wanted justice. I wanted to bring order to the galaxy." He reaches for the Dark Side, letting it bleed his eyes yellow. "I did not find that with the Jedi. I did not find that with the Sith either. I am neither Sith nor Jedi. Is that not the meaning of balance?"
"Balance is the destruction of the Sith," Windu retorts.
"Is it?" Anakin queries placidly. "Or is that merely what you wish to believe?"
"There is no reason for violence," Obi-Wan interjects before the Jedi can react.
Anakin can sense his unease, but he undoubtedly already knows how this will end. When the Jedi see a Sith, especially one who was their precious Chosen One, they won't let him walk away. That's fine. He'll walk away instead, and he'll do it without killing them as a show of his strength and to prove that he isn't as dangerous as the Jedi are trying to pretend.
"You should know better, Obi-Wan, than to side with a Sith," Windu reproves, "But you have always been vulnerable to your attachment to Skywalker."
Personal attacks Anakin can handle. Attacks against his family? Not so much. He stands, stepping down from his throne. "Leave," he orders coldly. "I will not tell you again."

Touch Starved
FanfictionThey are two halves of a whole, two stars inexorably pulled together by gravity, forever rotating one another, forever caught up in each other's orbit. They are Anakin and Obi-Wan. They are Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi. It doesn't matter. Names mean n...