Chapter 3....

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Riddhi's POV:

"Didiya..... I am hungry" It was little Ritwik who was repeatedly trying to grab my attention.

"Didiyaaaaaaa..." He screamed in my ears making me flinch at my place.

"What's wrong with you Ritwik.... I am looking for a shop nah.... Just wait and I am putting you down. Walk along." I said irritation evidence from my tone which made me regret the very next moment.


I put Ritwik down and kneeled myself in front of him. I let him face me who refused to look at me and folded his arms with a cute pout.

I smiled inwardly.

"I am sorry..." I said holding my ears but got no response.

"Please forgive me.." I asked again smiling at him.

Just when I was busy talking to Ritwik I felt a strong push which made me land on the streets.

"Didiya you fine...?"

"Yeah... but shit..." It was five second later when I realised my purse was being stolen. I took Ritwik on my lap and grabbed all my belongings and ran behind the bike but it was of no use. I could literally see them getting closer to the darkness.

"Didiya.... Now what will we do... All your money got stolen" Baby Ritwik said in his baby voice and I sat on the road.

I had no answer to his question. He was right. We had no place to live, No money, No food to eat. How on earth can we survive without shelter food and money.

Fuuuuuuuccckkk!!! I mentally cursed myself.

Nonetheless, I stood up again and rubbed the dust off my jeans. I can't break down though I knew I was on the verge of breaking down. I looked at little Ritwik who's red face was saying he was scared.

"Don't worry little boy, we will manage something..." I said with a smile and held Ritwik's hand tightly.

We started walking and I looked at the surrounding. The lane was unknown to me, Neither I had phone to see where I was. Suddenly I put my hands on my pocket and found a hundred rupees note I kept in the morning. I took that out and showed it to Ritwik.

"Magic" I screamed slowly and the bright smile I saw on his face was the thing I can live for inspite of all this struggles and hurdles.

Thank god.

We continued walking until I spotted a small vendor selling Pav Bhaji. I ordered a plate of Pav Bhaji and handed him the only note I had with me.

He handed me the plate which I took and fed Ritwik. I could see and feel how hungry he was. Even I was hungry. I didn't have had anything since morning. I looked down. How will I survive. Neither I have money nor I have a shelter. My chains of thoughts were broken by little Ritwik who extended a small bite of Pav in front of my mouth.

"Didiya.... Eat this.." He said and I took the bite from him and I felt a tear rolled down my left cheeks.

"Don't cry Didiya.... I love you! I won't leave you alone" He said wiping my tears and I hugged him back.

I have to do something. Atleast for him. I thought to myself.

After finishing the Pav Bhaji... Ritwik fell asleep and we were sitting on the lane for the last 1 hour or so. I don't know what to do or where to go. The lane I was sitting was getting deserted as the time was passing. I was looking at the surroundings and holding Ritwik tight. It was getting deserted and lonely with every passing hour. Suddenly I heard some hush hush from my back. I looked back and saw four men looking at me and talking something within themself.

I took Ritwik in my lap and got up. I took all my belongings and started walking. A minute later I found myself walking into a more deserted area and the men started following me by now.

"Hey buddy, Catch the girl.... the night will be an exciting one." I heard one of them speaking and the others laughed at the statement.

I closed my eyes shut for a second and without thinking twice. I left my suitcase and took a tight hold of Ritwik and ran as faster as I could.

Please god save me. Please save me Maa and Paa. I was continuously ranting in my mind.

I ran and ran as fast as I could not daring to look back. In between all these Ritwik too woke up and held me back tight.

"Run fast man, We need that girl for tonight" I heard one of them saying and I my mind went blank. I couldn't think of anything. I don't care about me but nothing should happen to Ritwik. He is my only reason to live. I thought to myself. Just then I twisted my leg and was about to touch the floor as I held Ritwik tight and closed my eyes shut. But instead I felt a strong arm around my waist and one arm around Ritwik holding us tightly. Without thinking twice and not daring to open my eyes I hugged the person tightly making him a little startled.

"Please save us" I spoke softly holding him tight.

"Hey man... Leave the girl.." One of them spoke.

No... no... please.

"I am sorry I am late..." He said holding my face in his palms.

I slowly opened my eyes , looking up my eyes grew as big as a soccer.

"Don't react.. please" He said softly on my ears for me to hear and tightened his hold on me.

I can't believe. There stood Mr Singhania in a blue armani suit who threw my out of his office this very morning.

"Oh I see.... The hero is here huh..." I heard one of them speaking with a chuckle making me shiver in fear.

I looked into his eyes who was looking straight behind me with red boiling eyes.

"Buddy, you don't know us so you better leave with your kid and let's have some fun with your wife" The other one spoke and I could hear his footsteps approaching towards me.

Just in a blink of an eye, his twisted me and now he was standing in front of me guarding me like a strong pillar.

Ritwik held me tight and started weeping. I started stroking his back to calm him down.

"Oh I don't know you and that's for sure but I don't think you want to know who am I" Mr Singhania spoke removing his coat and handing it to me.

"So you wanna fight, are you? See us dude, we are five of us and you think you can fight us?"

I stood there behind him hugging Ritwik tightly in my arms and praying to god as I saw them approaching towards us. I grabbed his waist in the next second.

Save us please.. Maa Paa Please do something...

"Hahahha, Oh I would love to but then I think David would love this more than me" Mr singhania spoke and whistled making me look at him suspiciously.

Who the fuck is David now?

Just then I saw two heavily built men standing in front of us gesturing Mr Singhania who in returned nodded once and turned towards me.

What is going on?

"Come..." He took his coat from me and forwarded his hand.

I looked at his hand and then at him. Can I trust him. I thought to myself. With no option left I held his hand and he grabbed my hand tightly and I started following his leads.

Little did I knew, this moment and this man is gonna turn my life upside down..


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