Chapter 6

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After dropping Ritwik to school I had a long chat with the principal and after 30 Minutes which felt like eternity they are still not ready to enroll Ritwik to the creche as I requested them to give me sometime before I could arrange for the money.

"Sir please, I told you everything we are going through. I got a job and I will pay the fees once I get paid. Please just give me some time." I pleaded.

"I don't know what I can do for you but I will again talk with our management. This is against our rule to enroll any student before he or she pays the fees. But I will again talk to the management on humanitarian ground since you are our rank holder student and you have given us many medals. Let me see what I can do." He said with a smile pitting my head.

"Thank you sir.." I smiled back and took a leave.

I returned to Krrish's car and sat on the back seat.

"Please drop me to office.." I said and he started his engine. Just when I turned to my left I saw a box wrapped in a Gift wrap. I narrowed my eyes as I took the box in my hands.

"Eh.... Is this box yours?" I asked to John.

"No Ma'am. That's for you..." He replied looking straight at the roads.

For me?

I opened the wrap and a new mobile box came to my view. My eyes got wider and my jung touched the floor when I saw it was the brand new IPhone 14. I packed the box again and kept it aside. 

Is he out of his mind??





I got down the car and made my way towards the office building. I stopped tracking thinking about my last visit to this office and how I was being judged. Shaking my thoughts away I approached to the same lady like the last time.

"Hello, Can I meet with Mr Singhania?" I asked politely smiling at her.

"You are here again?" I heard a voice and turned towards the source of the voice. She was the same women who were calling out the candidates name last day. She looked at me from top to bottom making me nervous at my place.

"Didn't you here what Sir told you the other day? We don't hire a kid..." She spoke again and I this time I smiled and replied.

"Well, I know that but what you don't know is Mr Singhania himself called me today and must be waiting for me."

I turned around to the receptionist again "Can you tell me if he is still in the meeting?"

"Sir said he doesn't want to meet anyone now" The receptionist answered much to my disappointment.

"Oh.." I turned around and look at the other girl who was smiling at me.

"Aww so sad... the baby got ditched..." She spoke and laughed which I preferred to ignore. I was just about to leave when I heard someone very familiar calling my name.


I turned around and looked at the man standing at some distance.Krrish was looking so devastated. Hairs were messed up as if he had brushed his hairs with his fingers hundredth times in the last few hours. I looked shocked. He started walking towards me making me nervous.

"Are you free?" He said standing in front of me.

I simply nodded and and the next moment he took my hands in him and look at the other girl with blood red shot eyes.

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