Chapter 8

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A month later...

I was now working at Singhania Group of Companies as Krrish's PA. I kind of like the working environment here. Some of them are good with me, some are cordial. No one knows much about me. Maximum of them are kind of jealous and full of curiosity as how I got this job. Heard some hush hush behind my back but I always chose to ignore. Krrish is all proffesional in the office but he is a friend now. On the other hand, Ritwik got adjusted in his school and creche too. Krrish has appointed Rosy aunty to take care of Ritwik after he returns from school. Life is going good and I feel so safe with my life right now. I am now in the office working on the file that Krrish gave to me when my phone beeped. I saw it was a text from Sam which bought a smile on my face. Finally Sam is returning and I can't wait to hug her...

             Sam: Hi my love... I am back and so I want you to drag your ass at my place right now...

             Me: I am at my office right now. I will meet you in the evening. See you baby.

I smiled looking at the texts. Finally Sam is here. I don't know how to start or what to say.. She knows about my parent's death and that I am working somewhere and staying with a guy who is helping me out. But I am sure she is much more interested about the guy's details more than my life.. I laughed inwardly.


It was almost evening when my desk phone rang.

"In my cabin right now.." Krrish spoke and kept the call.

I must say Krrish is a different person at work. I sometimes feel he is bipolar. How can he change his mood according to the locations. Is there any switch that he operates to adjust his moods?

Mentally facepalmed at my own logic I got up from the chair making my way towards his room. I knocked his door as I entered and saw a lady tightly hugging Krrish who in return looked equally happy.

I stood there as I looked at the girl who was wearing a crop top and ripped jeans with a lot of makeup and not to forget that bright red lipstick that looked like a blood to me.

Suddenly emptiness surrounded my heart.

"I am sorry..." I said clearing my throat as I decided to leave the room closing the door from behind but soon stopped as I heard Krrish speaking..

"Oh Riddhi.. Come in..." He said pulling him away from the girl as  I entered again lowering my head.

"Neha.. I told you about Riddhi and Ritwik... She is Riddhi and you should definitely come to my pent house to meet Ritwik. He is a sweetheart... And Riddhi, that's Neha for you. She is my friend from London and her family and my family are friends since decades." He said smiling at Neha.

"Hello.. It was nice meeting you" I said with a smile who hugged me back in return.

"I heard a lot about you dear and I am glad I met you" She said as I looked at Krrish who was now typing something on his laptop.

"Sir, I need to leave early today. I informed Rosy aunty and she will take care of Ritwik." I said and he just nodded.

"Okay. Even I will be late today... So if you want I can come and pick you up." He said but I refused.

"Thank you but I will manage." I smiled at Neha and then looked at Krrish and left the room. After taking my belongings I walked out of the building and took a cab. I was happy before I saw Neha and krrish hugging each other. Why am I feeling this way? It's not that Krrish is my boyfriend or something. Neha can be his friend too...

Or maybe his girlfriend..

Why do I care. I thought to myself and took my phone out as I made a call to Rosy aunty..

"Hello aunty.... Is Ritwik sleeping?"

"Yes my child. He is sleeping. You want me to wake him up?"

"No.. Just let him know I will be late today so please help him with his homeworks"

"Ohh child of course. Dont worry"

"Okay aunty. Thank you" I said as I kept the phone.

He didn't even ask me where am I going.... 





 It was fifteen minutes later and I was now in front of Sam's house who was waiting for me at her gate. I paid the cab driver and got down the car. I ran towards her and hugged her as she hugged me back.

"You bitch.... I am waiting for you since the morning and it's evening now that you are showing your pretty face.." She screamed hugging me tightly.

"I missed you so much Sam.." I confessed honestly.

"And I am back so you will not miss me anymore. Come let's so inside." She said as she dragged me to her house.

As soon as we entered her room she asked me the question I was waiting for... If it was some minutes before I would have answered her excitedly but things were not the same anymore.

"Is the guy hot?" She asked winking her eyes and I sighed.

Ignoring her question I sat on the bed resting my head on the headrest.

"Come on fucker... atleast give me some details" She spank my arms as I shut my eyes.

Who is that girl? Why was he hugging him?

"Ridhiiiiiiii..." She screamed this time as I throw a pillow at her.

"Shut the fuck up Sam.." I said as she smiled sheepishly.

Rolling my eyes at her stupid antics I took a pillow in my lap and told her everything about that night and how we gradually became friends.

"Now that's what I call a start of a beautiful love story..." She said dreamily holding her cheeks by her own palms.


"What ever you say... I know... this is how it begins.. But tell me something, What's his name?" She asked and I face palmed.

I told her the whole story but I didn't tell her the name.

"Krrish... I mean Krrishav Singhania. Also I am working at The Singhania Group of Companies" As soon as the words left my mouth Sam looked surprise and after few seconds she started smiling.

"Whaat??" I asked shrugging my shoulders as she kept smiling.

"Never mind... So what's the reason behind this" She asked pointing me something on my face.

"What?" I asked again rubbing my hands on my face.

"Uh-Oh.... Not literally I mean what's the reason behind this sadness?" She asked again and I sighed.

"Nothing.... I just miss Maa and Paa.." I said and she hugged me back.

"I am here for you always. But this is something else Riddhi... you know nah you can talk to me always?" She said as I nodded.

We spent the evening talking, laughing and discussing about how we just got our ass saved at the JEE Mains result..

Are they seeing each other?


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