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January 4 1942

Eagle Union Base

A Shipgirl was currently being beaten up .

It was Denver and Montpelier

Denver: You Deserve it !!

Cleveland: W..why

Denver: Because of you we fail the mission.

Cleveland: I kno--

Montpelier: Then learn okay ?

They kept beating her up until they have enough and leaves Cleveland pretty much injured.

Cleveland: (Why is this happening to me ? Helena Why ?? ) She then spotted Vestal approaching her direction.

Cleveland: V..vestal help

But Vestal Ignored it But Cleveland already knows it .

Then it started to rain .

She stayed there for quite some time before forcing herself to walk to one of the warehouse.

She soon entered and rest on one of the box as she was kicked out of the dorms due to her Failure at  many mission that she was tasked to do .

Cleveland managed to find some food and eat it regaining some of her energy back .

Cleveland: My life is hell huh


Cleveland: !!

She saw one siren and immediately draws her sword and kills it .

Even with the noise

she knew that she will never be known since Co.Jack ordered all shipgirls to not get close to Cleveland at all .

But Cleveland still has one Purpose as a shipgirl .

To Fight off the Siren Threat

She knew that it's impossible to defeat them alone but she has nothing to lose anyway.

So She has chosen her fate

January 10 1942

Cleveland Disappeared From The Base But Soon she was found out after traces of Oil were discovered near Antarctica.

But Co.Jack Did not Ordered the capture of Cleveland since He knew that she will die anyway.

But little did he know that This Moment will change everything.


Cleveland: So Your one of the siren ?

Arbiter I : Technically Yes I'm Surprised you managed to get this far on this damn cold place.

Cleveland: But i have my purpose to fulfill.

Arbiter I : Fight Me even though you are not fit for combat ?

Cleveland: Haahaha I'm Fine ?

Arbiter I : You really are ignorant.

They Both Soon Engage With Arbiter I gaining the upper hand on the combat .

But Arbiter I did not Underestimate Cleveland unlike the other Siren that do it .

She Respect her and Even Pity her .

So She must make this ShipGirl death  Quick .

Arbiter I Summoned Clones of Purifier Blocking Cleveland from Attacking Arbiter I.

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