To Unlondon

515 11 13

April 9 1944


Hood: How is the situation ?

Enterprise: Not Good Eagle Union has  fallen but we have managed to gather all the shipgirls here .

Hood : Same as Sakura empire and Dragon empery, *Sigh* This is getting hard to handle .

Suddenly Illustrious Entered the room.

Illustrious: We have bad news

Hood: What more ???

Illustrious: Ironblood Sardegna empire and Iris Libre has fallen they have arrived here carrying their citizens along with the shipgirls.

Hood: Can Everyone Leave my Room ?

Illustrious: Bu----


Illustrious: Okay okay calm down .

Everyone leaves the room leaving Hood who was in stress due to her work.


Hood: (Who the fuck is calling now !!)

Hood then angrily picks up the call .

Hood: Hello who is this !!

???: Relax We have Something to tell you.

Hood: Okay what is it ?

???: We are the Scp Foundation We may have a solution to your situation.

Hood: (Scp Foundation ???) Can i trust you?

???: Of course

Hood: Okay do tell .

???: As The remaining Humanity is in Britain We have a proposal to evacuate them .

Hood: Evacuation ? Hahahahah To where ??? TELL ME !!!

???: To Unlondon

Hood: What ?!?!?

???: Unlondon

Hood: What is Unlondon ?

???: You will know soon , A New Hope for Humanity to exist.

The call ends leaving Hood Confused.

But she heard the sounds of battle Nearing London .

Hood: (Shit The Civilians)   *goes out of the room to join the defense of london *

As she looks at the street filled with dead bodies of those unlucky to be hit by the siren.

The Battle Kept going as London was the Last City of Earth Azurlane Will not Give up till the end.

When Suddenly they were Teleported To A very strange place including the remaining survivors and shipgirls.

Confusion was their reaction as it happened instantaneously.

Hood: Illustrious do you know where we are ??

Illustrious: I don't Know Maybe that city will give us the answer. *As she points at a direction Where a city could be seen .

Hood: How many of us are left ?

Enterprise: Well Almost all Shipgirls are alive except those who died on the party That was staged by Co.Jack and 15000 Civilians.

Hood : So we only managed to Saved that many ?

Enterprise: Yes

Hood: This situation is indeed Troubling.

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