Job Of A Prime Minister

578 15 5

January 12 1942


Cleveland Room

Cleveland Woke up even though it's still dark because of Unlondon Place .

She arranged her room and cleaned it before putting on her Uniform

Cleveland: This Uniform is a bit hard to get used to .

Cleveland: This Uniform is a bit hard to get used to

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(Imagine her hair is outside and shown)

Cleveland: Glad i can still see through this .


Cleveland opened the door and she sees a Bobby waiting.

Bobby: What are your orders ?

Cleveland: Follow Me we are going to explore the city .

Bobby: As you wish

Cleveland then heads out of house of Parliament to explore the city followed by 30 Bobby as her escort .

As they go further the city she spots flawed buildings and she didn't saw Many Important Buildings such as Firefighter building and others that are essential for a city .

And the food needs to be Fixed since it sucks.

Cleveland continues to list many things to fix and add to the city.

But Foundation Personnel where watching these movements.

Security: Isn't it kinda weird they are following someone?

Scientist: Just watch any changes .

Security: Ok

As the foundation only observe what's happening.

Cleveland has finished listing everything needed for the city .

Bobby: I sense someone looking at us .

Cleveland: (It's Probably the Foundation) Send the bird .

Bobby: As you Command.

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