Rise of Unlondon

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Ever since that day Elizabeth entered Unlondon she always helped Cleveland on her work even though she is a royalty .

Cleveland also built The Buckingham Palace For Elizabeth to Stay as she has been staying on her room for quite some time since there were no other rooms available for Elizabeth.

Cleveland also thought Elizabeth In Military ,Politics and Economy making sure that Elizabeth will be able to handle Unlondon when she is on Vacation .

Cleveland Keeps an eye on the Foundation movements as she doesn't want unnecessary Conflict .

While the Foundation is Growing Concerned on 1678(Unlondon) Changes .

But time passes quickly

March 14 1944

Two years have passed since Cleveland arrived and Became Prime Minister Of Unlondon.

Through Cleveland Efforts She managed to fix the City and Complete it .

She also added many buildings and others that will help when the time comes .

The Guards of Unlondon was split up one under the Command of Queen Elizabeth Currently Stationed in Buckingham Palace .

While The rest under the command of Cleveland who put them on different parts of the city Such as the Entrance .

Port Defense Mostly Composed of Artillery,Coastal Guns ,  Anti Aircraft Positions .

There also Tanks Mainly Composed of Mk.IV Churchill Infantry tank  and  Centurion I Tank Cruiser Making Up 1st and 2nd Tank Division.

She also Finally managed to make the port bigger enough for a ship through fit through.

As well as creating ships at large to Small .

Although Cleveland can revive a shipgirl she chose not to do it for now .

Cleveland also managed to make all Bobby speak as to ease communication with other people.

The Bobby now have different roles such as Firefighter, Doctor, Soldiers, Cleaners (Also Cleans the sewers and houses ),  Administration (Their job is to lead other Bobby or mainly focus on Politics or Helping People as in instructed by Cleveland , Royal Guard (Created by Elizabeth) And Of Course Guard / Police ( Enforce of order on the city either by force or not )


Meanwhile The Siren Launched a Suprise attack On Azurlane Base Killing Some Shipgirls Before Falling Back.

While The Siren also attacked Sakura Empire Homeland Killing almost the entire Population who only managed to survive by Escaping to Dragon Empery .

But Even Dragon Empery Fallback to Britain after barely managing to Escape along with Northern Parliament.

At The Same Time More then Half of Eagle Union is under the control of the siren with the remaining Barely Holding on .

Many People around the world evacuated to Britain These Caused Some Food Shortages but it was remedied by Ironblood Who Managed to hold the sirens back with Iris libre and Sardegna empire.


Scp Foundation Base


Director: Alright Your Mission is to either Capture The Prime Minister or Find out any Information.

Guards: But we are just guards you know ?

Director: We can't Send The MTF as they are our Defense Force in the Base and you know that most of our forces are on guard against the siren .

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