An Idea of mine for a story in the future

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???: Welcome Home , Good Hunter.

The Huntress broke into a short sprint before throwing her arms around the doll. She hugged her only remaining friend tightly..

???: It's so good to see you , Elise .

???: And it's good to see you safe ,Good Hunter.  How was your journey back to your world ?

???: Mostly Pleasant , save for a new encounter of an enemy i didn't see before.

???: Are You feeling tired, Good Hunter ?

???: Yes of course.

???: Mind if we go inside to rest ,Good Hunter ?

???: Yes , oh did you make some cookies ?

???: Of Course Good Hunter ..


Author: This story is in the future after I'm done with Codename Fox ...

Now for the main character is going to be on Ironblood but I'll have you vote on the following...


Admiral Hipper

Prinz Eugen



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