Entry To the City

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February 15 1942


Queen Elizabeth: London sure is beautiful isn't it

Prince of Wales: Certainly Yes your majesty .

Queen Elizabeth: Should We go and drink some tea ?

Belfast : We need to go back to the base .

Queen Elizabeth: (No not the paperwork!!) Fine ....Prince Of Wales You can go back first .

Prince of Wales: Yes your majesty.

Wales soon left while Elizabeth and Belfast Goes Sightseeing For a while .

After some time they also decided to go back.

Queen Elizabeth : Let's Go b--

Suddenly A siren Stabbed Elizabeth 4 Times .

While Belfast was knocked out .

Elizabeth Managed to fend off the siren but she was chased by the siren .

Elizabeth Runs To the Underground Sewers And she Find a Door and she opens it a set of staircase going down was seen.

She look behind her if the siren is still Following but she didn't see anything but just in case she closed the door and Goes to the set of stairs going down .

Few Minutes later she reached the bottom and She was Greeted by a sight of a city .

Queen Elizabeth: Who Would Build a city Underground.

Elizabeth then walks to the city entrance when suddenly a Monologue was playing and she listen to it .

Elizabeth was a bit impressed by the speech although its a bit weird that the city is named Unlondon and that the city will be used to save people.

Elizabeth decides to find a map to so she doesn't get lost  .

She then spots a Map Of Unlondon and she decides to go to the House of Parliament where she would get her answers .

As Elizabeth Goes to The City she found Many Guards (Bobby) That wore Victorian Style Era Uniform With A Lee Enfield on their Shoulder and A Revolver.

Elizabeth was Scared When The Guards approached her but they simply Lead the way to The House of Parliament.

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Elizabeth Was Amazed As she sees How Organized the Guard Is as they Marched.

When Bobby saw Elizabeth they immediately part away to let Elizabeth Through.

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