The Great City Of Unlondon

520 12 6

April 10 1944

After Hood and the remaining shipgirls and Humans have gotten their rest They set out to reach the city....

Hood was s bit suspicious of the city how it was built was like the Victorian era......

After some hours later they reached tge entrance to the city and waited for the remaining humans to get here.

Hood was oddly looking at one of The Bobby Guarding The Entrance, Surprisingly There were 200 of them but they all stood on the sidewalk ..

Enterprise was also suspicious of them but chose not to make any movements.


Minutes Later

Wales Arrived along with The remaining humans on the city entrance 
While Hood observe the city structure.

As they gathered on the entrance they soon spotted Bobby's On their way to the entrance but they were different as Hood observation that they maybe a Higher Rank ..

Soon the people noticed it as well and began to be cautious.

As The Bobby Approaches The shipgirls block their path...

Hood: Who are you?

???: I am one of the officials here..

Prince of Wales: Your Name ??

???: That would be later on  As you need to shelter the people right ?

Hood: Certainly Yes

???: Well Your Welcome to enter the city , Don't worry The Guards would not hurt anyone except if they commit crimes.

Prince of Wales: Thank you..

???: It's my pleasure

Soon The Bobby makes way for the people to enter while guarded by the shipgirls.

As they enter the city they were surprised on how well the city was made and how it was meant to save them ...

The Bobby leads them to the House of Parliament which many knew about.

There they were gathered and soon the bobby got to their position in Organized Manner...

Soon a monologue plays and they hear a female voice that was familiar to the shipgirls.


[My fellow citizen. If you are hearing this tape, then the world as we knew it has finished. The sky has broken, the ground heaves with the tramp of terrible feet, and all the horror and madness from the dark corners of the world has broken free to exact its vengeance on the world of Man. Those who sought to contain them are killed or scattered, and we soon learnt that to attempt to fight these creatures is almost invariably to face one’s death. Countless billions have been slaughtered in their attempt to sate their endless appetite for death, and there is nothing-was nothing- we could do to stop them. Evil has raised its bloody flag upon all nations of the world and crowed its unholy victory to the broken sky. Yes, this is the end.

But there is a new hope.

Welcome to UnLondon, a city of the survivors, a city of the free. Together, fellow citizen, we will wait and prepare for the new beginning, the grand new world that is soon to come. Let the world above burn. We will endure. Let the monsters have their world. We will prepare. And let the ground tremble with a new Armageddon, as evil consumes itself, for I tell you, citizen, upon the day of the ruination of Man, their insatiable appetites will turn them against one another in their endless lust for death. We will wait.

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