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After 3 days it's Monza Grand Prix. Max needs to leave, Leah is feeling much better but decide to stay in Monaco for a rest.

Max: I can't accept the fact you're not coming with me in Monza it will be hard without you.
Leah: I know Maxie but you're okay on your own I'm sure you will be okay.
Max: I hope so. I need to leave now. See you soon princess.
Leah: Good luck champ! Love you.
*Max kiss her forehead and leaves*

*In Thursday Max gives an interview to Sky Sports and they ask him about you.*

Interviewer: Max you're always with one blonde girl where is she now? What is your relationship with her?
Max: Yeah she's always with me but not now it's not your business where is she.
Interviewer: Well Max thank you for time see you soon
* Max just looks at them thinking about you*
*He has a little time for that, he calls you*
Max: Heyy Leah how are you?? I miss you so much.
Leah: Heyy Maxie I'm okay thanks, how are you? I miss you too.
Max: Little pissed off because of the interview..Did you watch it?
Leah: Yeah you did so good it's okay don't think about that focus on the weekend.

*I skipped Friday and Saturday so it's a race day*

The race is about to start but Max is so nervous

Checo: Mate what's wrong you look so nervous.
Max: I miss her mate
Checo: Who? Leah? Mate do it for her she will be so proud of you!
Max: I know but it's hard when she's in Monaco in my apartment with my clothes on my sofa watching me racing in Italy.
Checo: Mate calm down like i said do it for her I'll help you if i can
Max: Thanks mate.

*Max needs to go in the car so he takes a deep breath and whisper to himself "I'll do it for you Leah"*

The race starts
You watch from Max's apartment screaming for him.

After some laps Max is looking so nervous and disconcerted and Christian talks to him on the radio

Christian: Max you're loosing power what's wrong boy? You need to win this race! Don't ruin your performance please!
Max: Look mate I'm trying so hard but i really need to talk with her okay? I will try my best for the team and her but please don't push me more!
Christian: Give me second i will call her.

You watch and say to yourself
*This boy drives me crazy*

*Christian calls you*

Christian: I know you're not here but-
Leah: I know just let me talk with him
Christian: Max here
Leah: Hey you promised me something right?
Max: Yeah i know! But it's really hard okay? I'm so sorry I'll give my best i promise!
Leah: Don't apologize boy go get this win for the team and me okay??
Max: Yeah okay i love you!
Leah: I love you too champ.

Christian: Thank you Leah, you're important to him.
Leah: I know.
*you hang up and continue watch the race*

It's only one lap left and Max is leading.
You hear:
You cheer up for him and you wait 1 hour and call him:

Max: I'll never betray you! Thank you for the call i really needed that! I love you! I will be in Monaco soon wait for me!
Leah: i will champ! See you!
Max: Hey you forgot something!
Leah: What? Oh wait! I love you too!
Max: Thanks!
Max: Okay okay i love you too!
*you hang up*
Max is packing his things and he's ready to fly back to Monaco

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